I think most people agree that they want to feel significant, satisfied, assured and loved. The hunger we have to know we are significant and loved and assured of the future is a good thing. It is a desire from God that is supposed to drive us to God in order to find our significance and identity in Him. However, because of the sin of Adam and Eve, we are born Spiritually separated from God and our natural tendency is to try and find significance, love and assurance by our means, searching within our self for the these answers This is known as following your heart but your heart (which is disconnected from God) is not able to resolve the issue of our significance or provide the love we desperately crave or guarantee us an everlasting future. And all those who follow the journey of their own heart are on a road to destruction and death, both physical death and Spiritual death, an eternity of torment separated from God. Mick Jagger summed it up for us when he sang “I can’t get no I can’t get no satisfaction ‘Cause I try and I try and I try and I try”. You can’t get no satisfaction when you are disconnected from God.
The road to significance and satisfaction in life seems cluttered with options due to the hundreds of thousands of books written on the topic, like the book I read one time called “I’m OK and You’re OK but Everybody Else Sucks”. And if you don’t like to read, finding significance with your life by overcoming a conflict is the theme of almost all Hollywood movie. Then again if you don’t like to read a book or watch a movie you can always go to a professional psychologist who will analyzing you in order to help you discover your significance in the world. But all these confusing and conflicting options that try to explain how to find your significance in the world really boil down to either “follow your heart” or “follow Christ” and only one of these options work … and “follow your heart” ain’t it. This is what Jesus told us in John 14:6 “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.” Jesus is the way for us to find our significance. We are sinners separated from God’s love and God has sent His son to rescue us from our sinful self and reconcile us to Himself and give us significance, love, joy and eternal assurance that we so desperately need and desire.
The real condition of our heart is explained this way in Jeremiah 17:9 “The heart is more deceitful than all else And is desperately sick; Who can understand it?“ Therefore the last thing you want to do is follow your heart, which can only lead to destruction and death. Proverbs 28:26 “He who trusts in his own heart is a fool, But he who walks wisely will be delivered.” Actually, the most educated and intellectual people on the planet are in fact the biggest fools, not only do they follow their heart to destruction but they convince others to follow them to their destruction as well. Proverbs 14:12 “There is a way which seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.“ The way of human reasoning, following your heart is the way of death, a Spiritual death that results in eternal torment and separation from God.
The Bible explains the solution to the problem of the heart this way in Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight.” This is God’s road, the straight and narrow way that is found by trusting Him. It is the road that leads to everlasting life, peach, love and joy. Ezekiel 36:26 “Moreover, I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.” This is God’s desire, to remove our sick sinful heart of stone and give us a new heart like His. You must be born-again in Christ Jesus to be spiritually connected to God forever!
Maslow stated that the highest goal for man is to achieve self-actualization – the desire to become everything that one is capable of becoming. This is a worthy goal but the only flaw is that apart from God we cannot know what we are capable of becoming and we don’t have the power on our own to become the person God created us to be. To play Maslow’s game is simply a waste of time that is spent loving one’s self with no reward in sight. The highest goal of golf is to make a hole in one but you are never going to succeed at this goal if you tee up with a baseball, football, tennis ball or basketball. The highest goal of life is to obtain the prize of eternal life and at the same time discover the person you were created to be. This is like hitting two holes in one at the same time but you are not going to get eternal life or find your true identity by following your own reasoning and effort.
I was watching a special program about the TV show “Glee”. It had many testimonies of people who found their identity in the characters of the show. They said, like the characters of the show they too felt ridiculed by the world and when they confessed their weaknesses, faults and failures they found a joy and a sense of worth. A joy so wonderful that it lead them to express that joy in song and dance. I know these were honest and sincere testimonies because I know how good it feels to confess your weakness, faults and failures and I know how good it feels to be accepted and part of a group. And I know the joy of singing and express your convictions through song but confession alone is not the only step toward finding our real self worth. And being acceptance by others with all our flaws is a good thing but it not the best thing. Recognizing our failures is a good thing, as it is meant to draw us to the loving and forgiving arms of God, who tells us that He understands our weaknesses and failures and He can turn these failures into His glory. A glory that is based on His power that overcomes our weaknesses and failures. And knowing we are accepted in God’s eternal family is a much greater joy than being accepted and approved among men. In Jesus Christ we are more than conquers and we praise His name and sing Halleluiah! But singing and celebrating our failures apart from God is a bad thing, it hardens our heart, makes us proud concerning our failures. This is sin that has gone viral. It mocks God and mocks the sacrifice of His Son who came to save us from sin.
The truth is that we have a lot of self worth but it is not because of anything we have done or anything we can do. We are significant because we are made in the image of God and God doesn’t make junk. God has a wonderful plan for our life and He is the only One who knows what is best for our life. However, we are spiritually disconnected from God at birth and need to be “born again” in Christ Jesus so we can learn to be the person God created us to be. Worthy is the root word of “worship” and only God is worthy of worship. When we seek to find worth in anything outside of God we are really worshiping that thing as a false idol and the biggest idol of all is “self“. My biggest enemy is me, my deceitful sinful heart. That is why I write on this web site, to free people from the captivity of the sinful self and point then to the way, the truth and the life that is found in Jesus Christ. We have to “die” to self in order to “live” in Christ.
– Rogersings
This guy explains self worth:
Here’s some good advise from Mike Rowe of Dirty Jobs: