Becoming a P31W – Do you keep your home?
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In today’s society many women go out to work to help with the finances of the household…this means a woman actually has two jobs most of the time. After she leaves her paid employment, she will normally go home to start her next job which doesn’t pay financially but can be place of great rewards in other ways.  If there are children it means making sure their needs are cared for and also making sure she also keeps the house clean, the washing done, the food cooked and a whole load of other chores that need doing on a daily basis to keep the house running.

A woman who strives to become a Proverbs 31 wife can sometimes find she is juggling a lot, but with a good attitude, a lot of prayer to our Heavenly Father for help and a conscious attitude that it is for the best of all, she will get through. Providing a nurturing home includes so many things, cooking one of the most important.  Granted in today’s society a lot of men have actually taken on the role of cook of the family meals but I would always advice anyone who wants to get married and have a family eventually to learn how to cook even if its only the basics.  I learnt a lot from my mum and aunties when I was younger and can turn even the most basic ingredients into a hearty meal.  Learning how to put together simple meals will be a great help.  A slow cooker is a great help and grilling is easy too and the kids can get involved too.

We should all look for any opportunity to help increase the finances of the home.  There are many different things a woman can do working from home…google it and you will be pleasantly surprised.  It’s funny because I have actually sold land in the past and am presently a Realtor and so when I read “she considers a field and buys it” it makes me chuckle. Working with your hands could involve anything from sewing clothes, cleaning other peoples homes and just about anything that involves some elbow grease to get it done.  Hard work never killed anyone…. well no one I know.


Juliana – Striving to become a P31 Wife


Woman's advise from a Godly wife

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