“There is a way which seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.” – Proverbs 14:12
“For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, The fountain of living waters, To hew for themselves cisterns, Broken cisterns That can hold no water.” – Jeremiah 2:13
“Behold, all you who kindle a fire, Who encircle yourselves with firebrands, Walk in the light of your fire And among the brands you have set ablaze. This you will have from My hand: You will lie down in torment.” – Isaiah 50:11
The scariest thing to me today is not the possibility of nuclear war, a financial collapse, global warming or a worldwide pandemic but the day by day, increasing influence of deception in the world that is driving us toward the “new Dark Ages”, a period of intellectual darkness where speech and thought is controlled by the priesthood of the One World Religion and enforced by the politics of the New World Order. History records that the priesthood of the first Dark Ages was composed of the darkened minds of the Catholic church who sought to define and control men according to their man made traditions of how man can be reconciled to God. In comparison, the priesthood of the coming new Dark Ages is composed of the darkened minds of the Humanistic church based on the teaching of scientist and psychologists who seek to define and control men according to their definition of how man can be reconciled to himself and become his own god.
Ironically, it was largely due to the voices of scientists, like Isaac Newton, Kepler, Galileo and Copernicus who spoke the truth about God’s creation that helped free us from the tyranny of the Dark Ages of the Catholic Church. Note, the Catholic Church has nothing to do with “real” Christianity or “real” science. These early men of science had to renounce the teaching of the false tyrannical Catholic Church in order to declare the truth of God’s creation and His word. But, unfortunately, the scientist of today have lost their zeal for the discovering the truth of God’s creation. They are primarily interested in impressing their peers by writing about the breadth of their fantasy and depth of their insanity. Essentially, both the Catholic priesthood of the old Dark Ages and the Humanistic priesthood of the new Dark Ages are failed because they are not based on the truth of reality and they are not based on the truth of morality and they are they are not based on the truth of God’s totality (the revelation of His Spirit and the revelation of His word).
This is an alarming development that is happening right before our eyes. The world, and especially America, is rapidly sliding down a slippery slope towards God’s judgement, propelled by the human reasoning and fantasy of today’s scientist and psychologists. We are stumbling along a dark road with our heads bowed down to these so called experts, our minds closed to the truth and our backs turned away from the light of Christ that we once cherished and so desperately need. It is hard to understand what has caused this change in direction for American since the truth of God’s word hasn’t changed and evidence of God’s creative power and glory that surrounds us hasn’t changed. Plus, today we have overwhelming evidence that an Intelligent Designer (God) created life because of the massive amount of “information” that is contained in our DNA (the code for life).
No honest scientist can say that the massive amount of information and order in DNA occurred by chance anymore than they can say that information in the articles they publish in their “scientific journals” appear by chance. It is not because there is a lack of evidence of the truth of God’s existence or because we lack the ability to think and comprehend the evidence of the truth that we are being propelled into the Dark Ages again but it is because the self proclaimed “intellectual” leaders of today are “unwilling” to think critically and acknowledge the truth. Simply put, people today are unwilling to think critically and admit that the science of evolution and chance has no scientific evidence to support it’s theory. Even Charles Darwin, the founder of the evolution theory, stated that he would retract his theory if he knew about the Specific and Irreducible Complexity that we see today in DNA. Yes, there is evidence of “micro-mutations” in DNA withing a species (the loss of DNA and information) that accounts for variation and environmental adaption withing a species but there is no evidence for “macro-evolution” or an increase in information to create a new species … and there never will be … unless Intelligence is applied add information and create a new species.
And people are unwilling to think critically and admit that the science of psychologists gives us no purpose or meaning for life. These witch doctor gurus of today offer the wisdom that is nothing more than “a tune to whistle” while you press on with life on earth, waiting to one day die, lost in your sin and eternally separated from God. Yet, God has given us His word, the Bible and the proof of His existence and His love and our worth to Him, by sending His Son, Jesus Christ to die for our sin, so that we can have a relationship with God and eternal life with God, if we repent of our sin and accept Christ as our Savior from sin. And worst of all people are unwilling to think critically and admit that Christ rose from the dead and He is the only One who is able to give them the ever lasting life that they so desperately desire! As I said, this is the scary deception of the new Dark Ages that is misleading us into judgement from God … the seven year Tribulation period!
During the “first” Dark Ages, the priesthood of the Catholic church tortured and burned people at the stake because they would not confess allegiance to the man made traditions of the Catholic Church concerning how man can be reconciled to God. For those who are ignorant of history, after 314 AD when Constantine made Christianity the official religion of the Roman empire, the face of Christianity change dramatically. As I’ve stated before the Catholic Church is a demonic cult that has nothing to do with the Christianity of the Bible (read this article about the faithful Early Christians).
Initially, the church was a band of heroic men and women, who formed house churches in order to worship the Lord. They were so committed to serve the Lord Jesus Christ that they would endure any hardship, even death by the hands of the Romans. Even the seven churches of (Revelation 2-3) were individual churches, that Jesus gave words of discipline for false teaching and practices or He gave words of commendation for their faithful teaching and their works of faithful perseverance. The term “Catholic” means “universal or all encompassing”. The early church writers used this term to refer to the universal dominion of Christ and the complete truth that is found in Christ. However, after the church was centrally organized by Constantine and given a worldly status of importance, the church became infiltrated by opportunists who were seeking power and political advancement.
Then, in order to increase and maintain power in the world, the Catholic church abandoned the truth of God’s word and created Traditions of men that made all men accountable to the church instead of directly accountable to God. The popes and bishops of the Catholic Church referred to their made up traditions as being on equal par with God’s word and all other teaching is heresy. As a matter of fact the Catholic Church today has a huge bunch of rules and teaching they have made up and even “overruled” the truth of the Bible, click here to lean more about “The Catholic Catechism directly for the Vatican web site“.
For over 1,000 years the Popes and Bishops ruled over Kings and Kingdoms, executing what they called “God’s Justice”, excommunicating and/or killing anyone who opposed their teaching. Thank God in 1517 the Reformation challenged the rule of the Catholic church with the cry of “scripture alone” (Sola Scriptura) which eventually lead to the printing of God’s word and the establishment of churches with people of God’s word. However, do your homework on the Reformation period too because you will discover that early reformation leaders like Luther and Calvin didn’t fully reform the Church back to it’s early roots. However, the Anabaptist movement did come bring the true Church back to life and influence the early churches of America! But, even those churches in America that were once grounded in the word of God are turning from God and turning toward scientist and psychologist for the answers to life and for how to deal with the troubles of the world.
You may be surprised to discover that the Catholic church has killed more Christians and Jews than the Muslims have killed and they have never apologized for these acts of persecution (read this article to find out more about the 50 Million believers that have been killed by the Catholic church). Today, the killing rampage of the Catholic church is on hold because their number one agenda is to merge all religions, including Islam, into a One World Religion which will ultimately become the woman who rides the beast during the Antichrist’s reign on earth (Revelation 17:3). Some call the new religion “Chrislam“. Quite simply stated, the Catholic church is a demonic cult that believes man can only be saved by works of repeatedly taking communion from the hand of a Catholic priest. This doctrine of devils has nothing to do with the Christ of the Bible, which states “by grace through faith you have been saved, not by works least any man should boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9). And recently the Dope of the Catholic Church has demoted Jesus Christ to “third” in terms of our hope and salvation: https://christianjournal.net/exposed/catholic-blasphemy/pope-francis-demotes-jesus-christ-third-place/
It is not by the work of a person presenting himself before a priest in combination with the work of the priest attempting to present himself before God that saves a person from his sin but it is the work of Christ that paid the penalty for our sin and out belief in Christ that saves us from our sin. Salvation for man is a gift of God’s grace freely offered to man; from the conviction of our sin by the Holy Spirit, to the revelation of truth in Christ’s sacrifice, to the “faith” we obtain to confess and believe in Christ; it is all a gift from God that cannot be bought by our good works or negotiated by Mother Mary or by the Pope himself! Salvation from God can only be accepted or rejected by the will of man directly to God based on belief in the work of Christ, period. Furthermore, a born-again believer is made a priest of God who is ordained to go directly to God in prayer for his requests, supplications and instructions for his life. Trying to earn your salvation or thinking that you can go through anyone, except Jesus Christ, to get salvation from God is blasphemous and an insult to the sacrifice that Christ made on the cross to pay for our salvation. And if you think the persecution was bad under the priesthood of the old Catholic church during the first Dark Ages, it will be horrifically much worse under the priesthood of the new Humanistic priesthood of the fast approaching new Dark Ages.
If you are serious about understand the truth concerning the Catholic church and exposing their lies and the atrocities they have committed in the name of Christ, then read Dave Hunt’s book, “A Woman Rides the Beast”. http://www.amazon.com/Woman-Rides-Beast-Catholic-Church/dp/1565071999 or watch his video on YouTube:
or click here to view the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IveuLXtUMkk
Yes, scary times are fast approaching because the Sharia law of Islam will most likely be the politically power of the new Dark Ages and anyone who doesn’t surrender to Allah and take the mark of the Antichrist will have their head removed. But before these seven years of tribulation begin, the shadow of this coming Dark Age is already upon us because the Humanist are already in control of the ideas in the public arena, thus they are already controlling the minds of the masses, keeping them lost in the darkness of human reasoning, held captive to sin and anticipating with “positive thinking”, the coming Kingdom of Sin ruled by the Antichrist.
Ironically, the scientist who pride themselves on being open minded to new ideas and seekers of reason are really close minded and unwilling to discuss an idea if the idea is backed up by evidence that reveals the truth concerning an Intelligent Designer of life. Instead, without any supporting evidence, the scientist propound their religion of evolution that states billions of years ago all the matter and energy of the cosmos suddenly appeared from nothing and then billions of years later on planet earth life spontaneous appeared from non-life as a single cell creature and slowly increased in complexity over millions of years making every other living creature … “from goo to you by way of the zoo”. Yet, the evidence and complexity of design found in the system of life and the information that is found the DNA of life is too overwhelming to have occured by chance, given the known age of the Universe that the scientist themselves agree upon.
Atheist scientist of today desperately cling by blind faith to the lie of evolution because to think otherwise would mean that the God of the Bible is real, and God created them, and God is more intelligent than them and they are accountable to God for their sin. Yes, it is the priesthood of Humanistic believers who suppress the truth by labeling Christian “idiots”, claiming the stories of the Bible are fairy tales and claiming that Christian scientist are not worth the time of a debate. When Atheist or Agnostic scientist should be investigating the fairy tales that they believe in and analyzing the evidence around them to see whether the evidence supports the claims of evolution or whether it supports the claims of creation. In comparison, the priesthood of “born-again” believers welcome debate in the public arena in order to witness to the truth of the God, with the hope that someone will be convicted by the truth, repent of their sin and be saved by Jesus Christ so they can escape the coming Dark Ages.
So ask yourself, who is the person who is open minded and willing to think critically about the important issues of life?
– a believer of humanism who is unwilling to address the evidence of creation because the truth exposes their hatred of God or
– a born-again believer of Jesus Christ who welcomes a debate on creation in order that the truth of God may be heard and a decision for Christ can be made.
If you are interested in the evidence of creation watch this video “Does Science argue for God?”
Does Science argue for God? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjGPHF5A6Po
If you are still reading, perhaps you would like to know “Why Am I here?”.
– Rogersings
You wrote this in 2015…wow…