
There are only two kinds of people in the end: those who say to God, “Thy will be done,” and those to whom God says, in the end, “Thy will be done.” – C.S. Lewis
Anybody who has watched “Cool Hand Luke” with Paul Newman remembers at least two scenes from the movie. One is the scene where Paul Newman “Luke” makes a bet that he can eats 50 eggs in an hour and the other scene is where the warden “Captain” throws Luke down from the road after Luke has been returned to prison following an unsuccessful jail break (the blood hounds got ’em).
Captain: You gonna get used to wearing them chains after a while, Luke. Don’t you never stop listening to them clinking, ’cause they gonna remind you what I been saying for your own good.
Luke: I wish you’d stop being so good to me, Cap’n.
Captain: Don’t you ever talk that way to me. (pause, then hitting him) NEVER! NEVER! (Luke rolls down hill; to other prisoners) What we’ve got here is failure to communicate. Some men you just can’t reach. So you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it. Well, he gets it. I don’t like it any more than you men.
You see Luke is a WW II veteran who got drunk one night and destroyed some parking meters, as such he has been sentenced to two years in a Florida prison, where he serves on the “chain gang” doing road maintenance. The warden who everyone calls “Captain” is trying to teach Luke that it is easier to shut his mouth and do what he is told rather than to rebel against authority. Leading film critic Roger Eber gave the movie a four out of four star rating. He thought Luke portrayed a “Christ” like character who endured undeserved abuse from authority while gaining the following of the oppressed fellow prisoners.
Yes, both Christ and Luke are abused by the ruling authority of their providence but Christ was convicted and abused because He broke the Jewish law of claiming to be equal with God. Luke was convicted because he committed a crime of vandalism and he was abused by the warden because he purposefully taunted the warden to amuse the other men, rather than do his prison time quietly. Luke is not Christ-like but he is more like a rock star with a self destructive life style who is proclaiming that freedom is found in being a self indulgent ass hole. In the movie Luke is betrayed as a saint and martyr when he is punished and thrown in the “hole” for many days. Luke draws the sympathy from his fellow prisoners mainly because the warden takes the offenses of Luke personally and gives Luke worse punishment that he deserves. The moral of the story is that “a fool who fights a fool is a bigger fool” or as Blondie (Clint Eastwood) explains to Tocu in the movie “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly”:
“You see, in this world there’s two kinds of people, my friend: Those with loaded guns and those who dig. You dig.”
Why do created beings rebel against their Creator? And why do created beings think they don’t have to answer to their Creator concerning His purpose for their existence? And why do created beings think they know more about what is best for them than their Creator? This is foolishness, insanity and suicide. In the eyes of God, we are like a drawing of a person on a page of paper. Do you think the drawing of a person knows more about life than a real person? Are you worried that if you drew a person on a paper, that drawing of a person would jump off the paper and harm you or ruin what you had planned to do? No, of course not and neither is God worried that His created beings are able to become something better or more than when He created them to be.
God is good and He has good plans for His created beings and all that He creates. It is man who has messed up God’s world by “doing his own thing” … sin. Sin is rebellion against God … it is doing “your will” (I did it my way) without concern for what God designed you to do. In essence sin is NOT doing God’s will. We sin because we are born Spiritually separated from God, this is the curse we inherit from Adam and Eve who were the first humans to sin. The answer to our restlessness in this world is not rebellion to God but reconciliation with God by grace through faith in His only begotten Son Jesus Christ. This is what it means to be Spiritually “born again” and connected to God.
Now, some people call Jesus a fool or a lunatic for claiming to be equal with God. And each person give an answer to God concerning the “quad-lima” of life … was Jesus a liar, lunatic, legend or Lord. Yes, the message Jesus proclaimed was radical and foolish … if it were not true. But Jesus demonstrated He was God by healing the sick, crippled and blind, casting out Demons, changing water to wine, feeding thousands, controlling the weather, raising people from the dead and teaching us how to love God and love one another. The message of Jesus is completely opposite that of Luke. So even though Luke suffered an undeserved level of punishment like Jesus, Luke fails to meet the “Jesus test” of a being a martyr because of his immoral conduct and self centered message. More importantly, Jesus’ claim to be equal to God is true … Jesus rose from the dead to prove it!
Luke’s playboy life style was a fantasy he “made up” to feed his pride with the approval from his fellow prisoners who wanted a rebellious unrestrained life of pleasure like Luke pretended to have. In contrast, Christ’s lived a “real” perfect righteous life at all times and He knew better than to seek the approval of fickle men who want power, pleasure and possessions. Jesus’ message is not to focus on our self indulgent nature (sin) but to deny self and take up your cross of responsibilities and follow Him (Matthew 16:24). God is not a cruel warden who is deriving pleasure for punishing our rebellious behavior but Satan is the cruel warden who is keeping people a prisoner to their sin by tempting them to believe the lie that they are a “victim of life” and they can find happiness by being their own god. Jesus is the trying to rescue people from the prison of their “sin” and grant then a pardon from “death row”.
So when God, the Holy Spirit, is talking to you about coming to Jesus … are are you listening or does God have a failure to communicate with you?
– Rogersings
I started thinking about the “Black Lies Matter” movement and the “LGBT Look at Me” movement and “Islamic Murders Are Us” movement and the “Lunatics Love Liberals” movement and realized the common root of their strategy for promoting their agenda is to paint themselves as a victim and a martyr to their cause so they will gain sympathy and acceptance for their lies. Somehow the twisted thinking that we are all victims of life and the government is responsible for making each of us “happy” has infected the minds of the American people and it is bring us to ruin. Perhaps, this is Satan’s final “Trump” card (not to be confused with the Donald) that he uses to keep people stirred up about the injustices done to them and stewing in their own self pity, instead of looking up to God for His promises and provision for life.
I once heard a joke about this guy who complained to another guy that he didn’t fell appreciated by others. And the other guy responded “Oh yeah, there’s a support group for that … their called ‘Everybody’ and they meet at the bar”.
The truth is that we are all victims of bad circumstances and misunderstands because of “SIN” that prevails in the world. It is not our fault that we are born with a self indulgent nature (sin) into a world dying of sin but it is our fault for not repenting of our sin and coming to Jesus for forgiveness of our sin and salvation from our sin. All the confusion and hate and movements of unrest in the world is the result of sin. And sin is not something created by God but it is the result of the “free will” of man (and the free will of Satan and the free will of fallen Angels) that is contrary to God’s will.
The coin of sin has two sides, one side is “pride”, where you think you are “entitled” to the good things in the world that others have and the other side is “pity”, where you think you are not worthy of anything in this world except death and despair. Both thinking to highly of your self and too lowly of yourself is “stinking thinking”. We have self worth because we are made in the image of God. Yet that worth of God in us is a call to “serve” others in Jesus name, not Lord our self over others.
Because of sin we are on a Spiritual battle field being fought between those who suppress the truth (unbelievers, carnal Christians, Satan and the fallen Angels) and those restrain evil (fundamental born again believers, God, Jesus and the good Angels). This battle of “good vs evil” or “God vs sin” started when Satan rebelled from God and wanted to be god (Isaiah 14:13-15) but it will cease one day, when those who choose evil are confined to the “Lake of Fire” and those who choose God are free to enjoy the New Heaven and Earth.
Society has gotten to the point where everybody has a right but nobody has a responsibility.
The failure of man to call his immoral behavior sin and lead people to Christ is the reason for our problems in the world. If Jesus showed up on the streets today, He would say “Woe to you Black Lies Matter people for focusing on mistreatment that occurred to blacks in America’s past. These wrongs have been corrected and you have the same right as every other citizen in America to make a good life for yourself“. And “Woe to you LGBT people for promoting sexual sin that I have told you to avoid because it destroys you and destroys society“. And “Woe to you Liberal lunatics who want the government to replace the trust and worship that is due God alone” and “Woe to you Muslims who kill people in the name of Allah. Allah doesn’t even exist except as a lie from the mouth of Satan“.
So the next time you feel like a victim of this world, instead of protesting and asking for handouts from the world, why don’t you turn to God and cast your cares upon Him? God gives true comfort and strength to endure the suffering of this world and direction to restrain evil and God also gives rewards in Heaven for clinging to Him and fighting the good fight of faith!
Amazing Grace .. the new progressive left version:
Amazing Grace don’t come around
To save a soul like me
I want to stay just like I am
As lost as I can be
Don’t talk to me about the Lord
I don’t care why He died
Just let me sin and do my thing
And praise me for my lies
For Grace can’t teach my heart a thing
I’d rather bitch and yell
Don’t tell me bout a loving God
I’d rather go to hell
When I’ve been dead ten thousand years
Tormented by my sin
I’ll still remain like I am now
An asshole with a grin
Very good Prophet Roger…