Amir Tsarfati is a Messianic Jew, a child born into the tribe of Judah and “born again” as a child of God, by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Amir has served in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) as military negotiator with the Palestinians. He holds the rank of “major” in the IDF and has much insight into Israel’s ability to defend itself to achieve peace and the threats to that peace which exist all around them. Amir, his wife and their four children live in northern Israel.
Not only does Amir have discernment concerning the prophectic time of God that is upon us but his life in Israel gives him a unique perspective and ability to articulate the signs of the time in a way that is provocative and meaninful. http://beholdisrael.org/news-israel/amirs-blog
In the video below Amir asks “Are you following the Godly plan of redemption or the Satanic plan of deception?” What gives you pleasure and motivates you in this world? What excites you in this world? Doing your own business or doing God’s business serving Christ, in Jesus Name? Are you enjoying the temporary peace and pleasures of this world or are you trumpeting Jesus Name above all others at the expense of worldly pleasures and peace? In the end there will be those who surrendered their will to God and said in their heart “Thy will be done God” (these will reign and rule with Christ for all eternity). And there will be those who reject God in their heart to whom God who says “Thy will be done” (these will perish eternally in the lake of fire). All who perish in hell, choose to be there. All those who Quote from C.S. Lewis
Are you ready to meet your Creator? Jesus is looking at you and when He meets you after your physical death, will Jesus say to you “well done good and faithful servant” or will He say “I never knew you”. Amir, in this prophetic message to believers, is ultimately concerned about those who don’t yet know Jesus. So whether you already know Jesus and want to know Him better or you are unsure about trusting Jesus with your life, watch this video and you will be blessed. Jesus wants you to be saved from your sin and know His love for you. This is your invitation to know God and know who God created you to be. Choose life!
The Feast | The Shadow – Old Testament | The Substance – New Testament |
Passover | The lamb without blemish, who’s blood was put over the door post of the house to protect against the Angel of death. | Behold the Lamb of God, Jesus who takes away the sins of the world. Jesus gave His life on the cross, once for all sin. If we accept His sacrifice in our place for our sin, we have eternal life with Him. |
Unleavened Bread | No leaven (sin) for seven day, a week. God created the world in 6 days and rested on the seventh. By practicing a week of perfect living for a week we honor our new life in Christ which will ultimately give us eternity free from sin. | The Sinless and Perfect life of Christ. Jesus live a perfect life His whole life, yet the last week of His life begins when He rides into Jerusalem on a colt on the first day of the week and the Jews celebrate Him as King. And on Thursday they shout to have Him commended and crucified on the cross. And after 3 days and nights, He arose on the first day of the week, Sunday. Hallelujah! |
First Fruit | Wave Offering – day after the Saboth (Sunday) the first day of the week. By offering the first of the crop that started to come up in the field, it was a symbol that the Jews believed God would provide a great harvest. | He’s not here Christ has risen as He says. Jesus is the First Fruit of the resurrection. He is the first to receive His new resurrected body, and the O.T. believers received their body when He arose and took them from Paradise to Heaven. |
Pentecost | It took fifty days to walk from Egypt to Mt Siani (the giving of the Law to the Jews). Fire came down from Mt Siani and 3,000 Jewish souls were killed for worshiping the golden calf from the fire. | Pentecost (the giving of the Holy Spirit to the Church). The Holy Spirit, like fire, came down and sealed 3,000 Jewish souls to begin the church Age. Believers in Christ today enjoy the indwelling and sealing of the Holy Spirit, something that only fell on some OT believers and they had to pray to keep Him. |
Trumpets | Come blow the trumps and go home. In Numbers 10, two sliver trumpets call the assembly of God to get ready, to worship and to move the camp! One trumpet is Israel and one is the Church. | Israel is God’s fig tree coming back to life in the promise land as God has brought Israel in these last days. Israel protection throughout the ages is the witness that God is real. And the Church is God’s witness in the world today. Both trumpets are blowing today and will blow until the last trump which will Rapture the Church to Heaven and usher in the seven remaining years of judgement due the Jews. |
Day of Atonement | Day of Judgement for the Nations. | At the end of the tribulation, Christ comes in “glory” with His saints and the Jews will look on Him they have pierced and they will morn and they will be saved. |
Tabernacles | The Lord will tabernacle and dwell with His people. | The Millennium Kingdom, for 1,000 the Lord will dwell with, reign and rule with a rod of iron over the people. is the . |