This article could be titled “From Lock Down to the Big Let Down!” or “From Deep State to Deep Shit!” or “The Goose Step Isn’t Done Yet” or “Programmed to Please Yourself” or “Traveling at Warp Speed Toward Technocracy” or how about “Revenge of the Nerds 2.0 … Whoops we wiped out mankind!”.
When you hear the word “lockstep” what picture comes to mind? … be careful now because you don’t want to set off the sirens of the “Thought Police”! When I think of lockstep I picture the crazy exaggerated “goose step” marching of the proud German and Russian army during WWII, as the paraded their armed forces before the people as a message of the nations ability to topple it’s enemies, both foreign and domestic. The Nazi greeting “Sieg Heil” – Hail Victory – along with “Heil Hitler” – Hail Hitler – was the expected response from every citizen in German … which ingrained into the mind and spirit that their purpose was to take victory over the world and their allegiance was to Hitler. Moreover, the “lockstep” propaganda machine of the Nazi party “warped” the minds of the German people into believing they were a superior race and it was their God given duty to rise up and rule over the world!
This is similar to the propaganda that we are being feed today … that we can trust “science” and “technology” to change man into a superior race that can give us victory over the sickness in our body and over the sickness of planet earth.
But the truth is that we are to put our trust in Jesus Christ who has won the victory over “sin” … which is what is causing the sickness and death of our body and planet earth!
As far as “armies” are concerned, the purpose of an army is for each person to march “lockstep” with each other in “strategy and objective” … in order to achieve the objective which is to defeat your enemy by the strategy of killing your enemy or ruling over them or by converting them to your side. And in Biblical terms each Christian is to be of the same mind of Christ in strategy and objective … in “lockstep” with God’s plan … in order to achieve the objective which is to restrain the enemy of sin – the “world, the flesh and the devil” by the strategy of making disciples of Jesus Christ. The scriptures tell us we were born onto a battle field, in a war for our very soul but our fight is not against flesh and blood but against “Spiritual forces” (Ephesians 6:12). We are always to pray and press on toward the victory that is won by trusting is what Jesus is doing! This is true even when we return with Jesus after the Tribulation … it is Jesus who removes His enemy by the sword from His mouth (Revelation 19:15).
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. – Ephesian 6:12
From His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron; and He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty. – Revelation 19:15
There is even a song written about the army of God “Onward Christians Soldiers” (click here for the complete song).
Like a mighty army
moves the church of God;
Brothers, we are treading
where the saints have trod;
We are not divided;
all one body we,
One in hope and doctrine,
one in charity.
Onward, Christian soldiers,
marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus
going on before!
A Christian’s duty is to march to the tune of Jesus Christ. We are Kingdom Citizens of Heaven (Matthew 6:33) and our duty is to abide in Christ and tell others about Christ in order to make more Kingdom Citizens … but we are not to reign and rule over the Kingdom on earth until we return with Christ!
Being in “lockstep” with Christians who are preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and are abiding in God’s Grace and waiting for Jesus to come reign and rule over the earth is a good thing but being in lockstep with the world, to promote the rule of a man over the earth is contrary to God’s plan and purpose and you are walking lockstep with Satan’s plan.
Unfortunately, the great Global “reset” will be the Great “upset” to those who are not “born again” in Christ Jesus. We don’t need to “rise up” and take back this country, we need to “pray up” and “look up” because Jesus is coming to take His Bride, the Church, out of harms way. The “Rapture” is what will start the Global reset … 7 long years of Tribulation on earth! You can have all this world, give me Jesus.
Satan has waged a long and horrendous war on mankind, beginning with the deception of Adam and Eve. He has deceived men and women through history … and this is happening today … people are being deceived by Satan (level 0) to usher in the Global NWO (where man thinks he is god) through the manipulation and propaganda of Nefarious Ones and Global Bankers (level 1) who serve and worship Satan. The Nefarious Ones bribe and blackmail the Political Rats and Judges (level 2) so they will spew lies about globalism and pervert justice in order to support the Technocratic Ones, Lame Stream Media and Celebrities (level 3) who shout out the voice of reason and truth, crush small business, subvert personal innovation and live out a fantasy life of indulgence as a example of their contrived success for the purpose to seduce, entertain, confuse, beat down and dumb down the Useless Eaters (level 4) slaves to sin.
It is no coincidence that these levels look like a pyramid with the all seeing eye of Satan on top, just like the image on the $1 bill. The bottom line is that the vast majority of people on the earth are being manipulated by Satan to walk “lockstep” to the lie that man can’t trust God in this world to give him his daily bread and satisfaction but he should trust “Big Government” to take care of him and a Global Leader to control everyone so they do what is “right” on earth to sustain the longest and best life on this planet.
The deception that God was holding something back from Adam and Eve and not giving them the best life was the temptation that Satan used to get them to eat from the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. And this is still the means of deception that Satan uses today to keep people fighting over this earth, trying to implement their own nefarious plans for what is best on planet earth. And though a Christian is able to do good works on earth that God prepared for them (Ephesians 2:1), this earth is not our home and the works are not ours to focus upon, nor will the works necessarily benefit us with prosperity but we are to focus on Christ and the joy of being in fellowship with Him and the hope of being removed from earth to be with Him!
We are born onto the battlefield of sin as a sinner in filthy rags of self righteousness, an enemy of God but by our belief in Jesus (His death, burial and resurrection for our sin) we are clothed in the uniform of Christ’s righteousness and identified with the winning side, a friend of God, lead by Christ who has overcome sin (the world, the flesh and the devil). We are born in SIN – with a Self Indulgent Nature that we inherited from our parents … Adam and Eve … it’s a natural inclination or “in-sin-nation” against the truth of God’s standard and a natural delusion to think that man can live together in peace by his own standard.
Unfortunately, the only standard for a deluged person who is in “lockstep” with sin is a “double standard” … it’s a narcissistic philosophy of “do unto me not what I do unto you.”
It is sadly ironic, that people who think they are “free thinkers” because they accept all philosophies of life as being equally true and they claim they are “not brain washed” to believe in an absolute moral truth, are in fact “slave thinkers” of Satan who wants them to believe the lie that they can do and believe whatever they want about life and God will not hold them accountable. The Truth is that God does have a perfect moral law that each person is held accountable too uphold but cannot uphold because of SIN!
The claim that there is no absolute Truth is in fact an absolute Truth claim!
It hurts to be hit over the head with the Truth but the Truth is really the 2 by 4 of God’s Grace.
The Truth will set you free but it will piss you off first!
People can’t change the Truth but the Truth can change people.
Jesus is the way, the Truth and the life – John 14:6.
Note, the definition of lockstep also means “to follow in close adherence to and emulation of another’s actions” as in the sentence “they raised prices in lockstep with those of foreign competitors”. And this is what is happening, we have been programmed by Satan and the Nefarious Ones who worship Satan. The Nefarious Ones, like the Rothschild Bankers, operate with “lockstep” propaganda declaring that this world is all that matters and therefore we don’t need God or need Salvation in Jesus or even need to work for a living because “science” and “technology” can take care of us give us the best this world has to offer.
Well, well, where do I begin. For one thing what the world calls “medical science” concerning disease and vaccines is not science at all because it is not founded on the scientific method of demonstrably cause and effect. Science is not the enemy of God but it is knowledge of how the world works, according to the laws (both physical and moral) that God has made … i.e. the truth. True science glorifies God because it reveals His nature … His awesomeness!
There is little demonstrable proof that a “vaccine” can prevent a person from contracting the flu. There is however plenty of evidence that a flu vaccine does cause some people to become more severly sick from the flu and with modern DNA/RNA “vaccine” technology there is a good possibility that a vaccine could change your DNA so that you are no longer human! Robert Kennedy has championed the “Children’s Health Defense” awareness concerning vaccines: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/
It is understood that the flu or common cold, a viral infection, causes our body to produce antibodies and memory B-cells which overcomes the sickness and prevents future sickness from this specific kind of viral infection. According to “medical science”, the encapsulated viral RNA strand (flu) is floating thru the air in mucus droplet or sitting on a item and when “it” enters your lung it is absorbed into a lung cell where it hijacks the cells make more encapsulated viral RNA strands, which circulate in your body causing fever and irritation, especially in your nose, throat and lungs where they are expelled out of your body as mucus “virus” droplets … and infect someone else. If you have a healthy immune system, the virus may be destroyed before it replicates. In other cases you may already have anitbodies that destroy the virus. In other causes your immune system will eventually identify the viral strands and it will make antibodies that destroy the virus (or not in the case of a compromised immune system). And you immunie system makes memory B-cells so in the future a viral RNA strand of the same kind will immediately be regulated and destroyed by antibodies.
I’m still researching the issue, but one theory is that the encapsulated RNA strands that we a call a virus are really “exosomes”, which for the most part are not harmful but they monitor and regulate your body and sometimes cleans your body of toxins … and exit your body when you sneeze. Here are a couple of articles that question the commonly accepted virus theory “viruses may be a means of extracellular communication between cells, instead of simply a pathological disease entity” (click here), (click here), (click here).
In other words, according to the exosome theory, the “flu” occurs when your body “senses” a threat or change around you (maybe even a sickness in someone near you) and it then makes RNA strands (exosomes) to deal with the issue … and then deploys antibodies to regulate/destroy the RNA strands. And even though we understand some things about our body, like how each cells use different DNA sequences to produce the proteins they need, we don’t understand how cells know which proteins they need or how cells differentiate at birth to make the organs and features of our body and we don’t understand how the cells regulate to stop making cells once the organ reaches a certain size … and go into sustain mode and eventually “death” mode (Genesis 2:17).
I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well. – Psalm 139:14
And this brings me back to the point of writing this article … do your own research and do your own critical thinking! If you seek to find the truth with all your heart, you will find God and you will find Salvation in Jesus Christ … because Jesus is the Truth. And if you claim to be a Christian then be Berean Christian and seek out the truth of a matter in God’s word.
Now these (the Bereans) were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so. – Acts 17:11
If someone says they are preaching God’s word, then read God’s word and see if what they are saying is true based on God’s word. No one has a patent on God’s word but God alone! The only Spirit will lead you into all truth … this is a promise from Jesus to each born again Christian (John 16:13).
Let me give you a good example of how propaganda works as demonstrated in this 1971 advertisement for Coca-Cola “I’d Like To Teach The World To Sing”.
I’d like to buy the world a home
And furnish it with love
Grow apple trees and honey bees
And snow white turtle doves
I’d like to teach the world to sing
In perfect harmony
I’d like to buy the world a Coke
(original: I’d like to hold it in my arms)
And keep it company
That’s the real thing
I’d like to see the world for once
All standing hand in hand
And hear them echo through the hills
For peace through out the land
That’s the song I hear
Oh yeah, that sounds great to me … a world filled with love, apple trees, honey bees and snow white turtle doves … with everyone standing hand to hand, singing together in perfect harmony “peace throughout the land”. And this wonderful peace is what God wants for us! God wants us to live together in harmony (Psalm 133:1) and God is going to give us a New Heaven and Earth with goodness and blessings beyond our wildest imagination (that’s the real thing) … but these blessings are only possible and promised to those who believe in Jesus, according to God’s timeline. These things cannot be achieved by man, no matter how sincere his desire and no matter how many people sing kumbaja together and drink Coke!
Berean Study Bible – Psalm 133:1
A song of ascents. Of David. Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony!
Humanism is a spiritual poison to the mind that destroys the soul of man and Coca-Cola is a physical poison to the body that can cause diabetes, addiction, stroke and dementia. Here are the medical facts on the destructive nature of Coca-Cola (click here). The amount of sugar in Coke would normally cause a person to vomit but the phosphoric acid in the beverage dulls the sweetness, enabling people to keep the drink down. And did you know that up until 1939 Coca-Cola actually contained “cocaine”! (click here).
Coca–Cola can be used to dissolve a nail. Yes, a nail. Coke contains phosphoric acid, and if you soak a nail in it for four days, the nail will dissolve
Just 5 minutes after drinking Coca-Cola, the production of dopamine has increased. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way that Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin. It triggers a person’s urge to drink another can.
The high fructose corn syrup, caffeine, phosphoric acid and refined salt work together like a drug causing addiction to the brain and put a person at risk of diabetics, stroke and dementia. But as deadly as this product is to the body, it’s the advertisement (the narrative of humanism) that is the bigger killer … deceiving people into thinking they can achieve peace and harmony in the world without God.
I’d like to teach the world to think
And seek God for His face
I’d like if Jesus Christ was preached
To give man Saving Grace
The bottom line is the if you are in “lockstep” with the plan of humanism to save the world, then you are in lockstep with sin and Satan that is destroying humans. Like I said, the plan of Satan for humanity isn’t human at all … it will be like it was before the flood when the seed of man was changed by the mixing of the seed of Fallen Angels to make Nephilim creatures, hybrid-human that cannot be saved. Somehow, Satan will do this again during the Tribulation period, most likely by changing the DNA of man through the Mark of the Beast which will destroy man’s ability to be saved by Jesus Christ.
This is the “Great Reset” that Satan has planned for mankind … it is the promise to change man so that he is “more” than human … a cyborg that is in lockstep with Satan … marching into the Lake of Fire!
I don’t think the vaccine that Bill Gates from Hell is brewing as the cure for the fake “plan-demonic” virus is the Mark of the Beast … but it’s conditioning and propaganda to prepare us for the mark. It’s purpose is to make man desire something from Government that will give them peace and security and life! But God alone is the giver of life … not the Government that is being built up by Satan who is the puppet master behind this evil agenda to destroy man … don’t be fooled.
“The thief (Satan) comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I (Jesus) came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” – John 10:10
Trump says he wants to use the military to vaccinate the people at “warp” speed but this is really a “warped” plan that needs to be exposed and stopped! I don’t know whether Trump is a Nefarious One? Each day as I see more disasters and deception come upon the world with no evil being arrested, I become more convinced that Trump is a Nefarious One and his purpose is to misdirect the purpose of the Church, from trying to save souls to trying to save America.
This misdirected focus of the Church has created a militant New Apostle Reformation (NAR) movement that claims they have been given “anointing” from God to return the world to righteousness so the Jesus can return. This of course is completely contrary to the word of God that states the world will wax worse and worse and men will be lovers of self and money as the Day of the Lord approaches (2 Timothy 3:1-5 and 2 Timothy 3:13).
Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition – 2 Thessalonians 2:3
For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way – 2 Thessalonians 2:7
Paul said the Church will “fall away” from preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ prior to “Day of the Lord” and then the Antichrist will be revealed. I think the great apostasy that Paul spoke of is the NAR movement. Paul also said that “the restrainer” will continue to restrain the Antichrist from revealing himself and revealing his plan to conquer the world until “the restrainer” is taken out of the way. I think “the restrainer” is the Holy Spirit who is alive in “born again” believers and therefore “born again” believers will be “taken out” of the way by the Rapture … then the first seal of Revelation will be opened and the Antichrist will come forward to conquer on a white horse ((Revelation 6:1-2) … thus beginning 7 years of Tribulation!
According to this chart, I would say we are in stage 3, “Crisis Mode”, and Communism control is coming soon. What has added fuel to the fire is that America’s Capitalism system has been corrupted for a long because (a) the Government bails out and helps out Big Businesses and (b) Big Businesses that make a huge profit avoid taxes and they don’t give back to society … the rich get richer and the poor get poorer and the middle class kind of fades away toward the poor! The America’s Democratic system of government and Capitalist method of business only work for a “moral” nation, where people police themselves with good morals, doing what is right for the environment, give a fair days’ labor and receiving a fair day’s wages and giving some back to society that is less fortunate than themselves. America’s freedom based government and freedom based business fails to work if the people are corrupt and greedy … need I say more.
Also our Government is suppose to be watchdog for the people against bad political ideas and bad business practices, like forming monopolies to shutdown competition, especially against small businesses which is the source of innovation and productivity. And at one time the Government exposed politicians who supported Communist ideologies. And the Government used to expose monopoly schemes and unfair business practices, even taking down the Mafia. But now the Government is the Mafia … the Government politicians get a big lobby money from Big Business to make laws that favor Big Business and to look the other way when laws are broken. The only reason America is still in Afghanistan is because the CIA runs the opium business there, harvesting the crop and transporting the drugs into America. When the DEA shut down El Chapo it’s because he was cutting into the CIA’s profits.
It is not the principles of what America is founded upon that has failed but people have failed to be moral and see the value in being moral … and therefore they are given over to a strong delusion that money is more valuable than morals. It is not a sin to be rich but “The love of money is a root of all sorts of evil, and some by longing for it have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.” (Timothy 6:10). Rich people can and do serve the Lord by faith, providing jobs and productive goods and services to a community. The poor shouldn’t hate the rich because God has promise to provide for those who trust in Him, therefore we should pray to God for our daily bread pray that the rich will do what is right.
However, I do understand the burden of being a slave to debt, even when I was working hard and had a good job … I just couldn’t get ahead. And I can see where debt and unfairness in the world can lead someone to think there is “no end in sight” and therefore they blame others for their lot in life and they desire for the Government to fix the problem by declaring a financial “reset” to redistribute the wealth! Unfortunately, the Deep State Government has been fixing things … they have been fixing things so that America will collapse from excessive debt and discontent and civil unrest. The Nefarious Ones want America to abandon their Constitution and reset to the NWO.
It’s been a slow “plan-demonic” take down of the world. Up until the early 1900’s, society measured the worth of a man by his moral character. Initially, the public schools taught from the Bible and the universities existed primarily for training pastors in the “truth”. The goal was to be a man of good moral character, seeking God throughout your life to see Him work in (changing you more like Jesus) and through your life (being a witness for Jesus). But then the humanistic agenda of sociology and physiology crept into America and into the education system, teaching that being a good moral person accountable to God wasn’t as important as having a good prosperous society and being satisfied with yourself.
Let me regress a bit, America is a Christian nation in the sense that it was founded by men who feared the God of the Bible but only a few of these men were “born again” Christians, most were Christian In Name Only and many of our founding fathers were “Freemasons”. The agenda of the Freemasons is a Lucian agenda for Satan to rule over the world and be worshiped and this is what is being played out in it’s final stages.
This message from the Hollywood and Academia and the Music Industry for the last 100 years has overwhelming programmed us to live a life for “self” … to get yours and then get out. It’s a mentality that says “I’m in charge of my life and I did it my way” … “I can have success and peace in this world if I line my ducks up in a row for all to see”. People are interested in ducks but God is not … He is interested in you and growing a relationship with you. If your eyes are on your ducks instead of on God then you can count on God messing with your ducks so He can get your attention!
Satan on the other hand wants you to focus on acquiring ducks and lining them up in a row. And for those who don’t have ducks, Satan tells them that is because they are treated unfairly by the world (no family money, bad neighbor hood, no access to education, bad father, prejudice, greed, politics, criminals and religious fundamentalist) which drives them to “hate” the world and expect the Government to compensate them. And Satan remind them that are threatening things in the world (like climate change and mystery viruses) which drives “fear” the world and except the Government to protect them. Essentially, Satan wants people to believe that they can achieve peace and equality (rest from their labor) if the government gives each person a duck and tells them what to do. BTW, this kind of Government is achieved by the tyranny of the Antichrist Kingdom.
All Satan has to do is keep people focused on working together for peace and prosperity in this world at all cost so they won’t look to the cost that Jesus Christ paid to give us peace with God, blessing from God, forgiveness for our sin and rest from our labor.
BUSY means Being Under Satan Yoke!
I hear many well meaning people say that we can “Make America Great Again” but what we need is to “Make America Godly Again”. God may continue to stave His Hand of judgement and give more people time to repent but from the point of human analysis, I can’t comprehend how America could become a moral nation or operate independently from other nations. Then again, a wicked nation like Assyria repented when Jonah warned of coming judgement. So I sound the alarm and pray that our leaders and the people of America will repent and turn to God before judgement comes.
However, the wickedness is not just in America but rife and ripe in the whole world. And when you really understand the amount of corruption in the world and the depth of corruption in the leadership of America and the deluged/programmed state of mind of most Americans and the fact that what each nation does impacts others nations then you will understand that the world needs a “Global Reset” but not a humanistic/AI tyranny under the ruthless Antichrist but a Godly Kingdom under the benevolent leadership of Jesus Christ!
The main point is that this world is not our home and we are not called to save this world but to tell people how to be saved to escape the judgement coming upon this world by faith in Jesus Christ. God plan is for us to be “reset” into a relationship with Him and then “rest” in Jesus Christ, trusting Him to make us into the person He created us to be and trusting Him to make a New Heaven and Earth of peace and joy for those who love Him. While many are calling for Christian to “rise up” and take America back, I am calling for Christian to “lookp up” and prepare to “rise up” in the Rapture. Maranatha!
– Rogersings
Here are a few videos that inspired this article. The person who made this animated video of Bill Gates uses humor and sarcasm to warn of the serious and insidious agenda of Technocrats who want to eliminate the useless eaters … us!
Hello useless eaters,
As your unqualified, non-elected Globa
…I like to take this opportunity…
…to flaunt my position of power and influence over society…
…and share some of my plans for you and your future.
This video has the most details about how we have been programmed with propaganda to think God doesn’t exist and we need to make it on our own. At the end of the video is the warning from Paul Harvey in 1965 of how Satan will deceive the world into not believing there is no God by the propaganda of calling sin and evil … fun and good.
I like the analysis of this old English guy in a chair. He exposes the dangerous and deceptive reason for why the Nefarious Ones want us to wear a mask. They want to remove our identity of being made in the image of God and wearing a mask makes us look like a robot because a person can’t see our smile to encourage them or expression to let them know we care. “I Can’t Breathe” is the motto of the NWO because Government will decide who gets to breathe and who doesn’t.
Thank you for your excellent analysis. Wearing a mask makes you look less human, like a thief who “steals, kills and destroys” … oh wait, that’s Satan’s identity! The mask makes you physically weaker, unhealthy and reminds you to live in fear of yourself, your neighbors and our environment … trusting in Big Government (and fake medical science) for your life, instead of trusting in God.
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. – 2 Timothy 1:7
Very good article Rogersings…