Pokemon -No-
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Hey, are you just having some innocent fun out capturing a few Pokemon creatures/monsters? … well, maybe so but maybe not.  Unfortunately, there are several dangers that are inherit to playing the Pokemon game.

1. Spiritual Danger

“Pokemon” actually comes from two Japanese words that mean “Pocket Monster”.  The original Pokemon card game is based on occult type principles, where the creatures on the cards have certain magical powers.  The creatures can be Physic or Extrasensory ability and cause confusion and destruction of other creatures.  Frankly, I tried to understand how to play the card game and evolve the monsters but it is very complicated, compared to checkers or solitaire.  The idea behind the game is similar to the that of “Harry Potter”, where you are like the wizard over these Pokemon monsters training them in battle.  In other words, through Pokemon children are conditioned to  train and control demon-like creatures/monsters to use them to overcome others so they can get what they want.  This closely resembles what occultists attempt to do with real demons.

This is disturbing because this is kind of game pretends that Demons are creatures that we can control which is completely false.  And it reinforces the lie Satan told Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, that God was withholding good from them and they could determine for themselves how best to get it and control the world.  This game of fantasy is not like the games I played as a kid like cowboys and army, while the girls played with barbie and dressed up.  In my games of fantasy, I was imagining a “real” life existence of doing right and stopping wrong.  In my imagination as a child, I was a a gunslinger taking out the bad guys or I was Sgt Saunders with a Tommy gun in WW II.  But with a game like Pokemon you are acting out the fantasy of an “imaginary” life where you control Demons in a Spiritual world in order to get what you want in the Physical world, regardless of what’s right and what’s wrong.

The latest craze is “Pokemon Go”, where you no longer collect Pokemon monster playing cards but you capture “digital” Pokemon monsters with your smart phone by following the GPS coordinates given to you by the smart phone app “Pokemon Go”.  Most of the people playing “Pokemon Go” are not training their Pokemon monsters like Demons to fight their battles but they are simply having fun walking around outside looking for and capturing these Pokemon monsters with their smart phones.  The creator of this game, Niantic, has come up with a new and novel approach to game play.  As you approach the GPS coordinates of a Pokemon creature, your phone starts to vibrate, then when you point your camera to toward the creature, it will appear as though it is there in front of you.  Then you throw a Poke’ ball toward the monster and this captures it into your phone … or something like that.  

Like I said, most people playing Pokemon Go app are just out capturing these fun looking monster but I have noticed that they are the ones “captured” by the app.  For instance, I was walking my dog “Little Bear” and a teen age boy was walking toward me and Bear intently focused on the digital device in his hand.  I waved and said hello but he acted as though he did not see me.  He took a few more steps past me, stopped in the middle of the street, took a picture on his phone of a blank street, turned around and went by me again.  And again I greeted him but his eyes did not leave the display of his phone and he did not acknowledge my presence.  In other words, the reality of the digital world on his phone and the digital monster he captured were more real to him than me and my dog.  I was miffed but Bear didn’t seem to care.

The Spiritual world is real and Satan and his fallen Angels and Demons have real power in the Spiritual realm that can effect things in this Physical realm.  Using your mind to connect to physic powers and spirits of the occult are a real danger to your Spiritual health and well being.  In fact you could become possessed by a Demon Spirit and be bothered by voices enticing you to do things you won’t normally do.  Demons are real and Demon possession is real, in fact this was one of the main ministries of Jesus’, delivering people from Demon possession. The Bible is clear that we are to worship God alone and not mess with Demonic activity.  Something like a Ouija board or Tarot cards seem like innocent fun but you are opening up your mind to seducing Spirits and these are not a game to them but gateways to your soul!  Give no regard to mediums and familiar spirits; do not seek after them, to be defiled by them: I am the Lord your God.” (Leviticus 19:31)

Of course God, Christ and the good Angels have greater power in the Spiritual realm than Satan, and fallen Angels and Demons but there is real Spiritual warfare that is being fought for your mind, body and your soul.  God  desire it that a person “first” be born again in Jesus Christ and then communicate with God by His Holy Spirit which will live in the heart of the born again believer.  God can do great things through prayer and the main thing He does is give a believer discernment to identify seducing spirits of this world so the believer can avoid them and overcome them.

2. Mental Danger

The mental danger that is inherit to playing these games is that is paints a false sense of reality for a child, teaching them that they can get what they want from the world by teaching demon like creatures to do their bidding.  But manipulating the world to get what you want from the world is completely contrary to God’s purpose for man.  We are made to trust and obey God and find our purpose in serving Him.  God, our Creator, is the One  who knows what we need and what needs to be done.  By doing God’s will, powered by His Holy Spirit, we find a real purpose that brings eternal reward.  But thinking you can achieve happiness and purpose in the world by positive thinking and arranging things in your order is vanity and foolishness.  No, man has overcome death but Jesus Christ and He said “I am the way, the truth and the life, no man can come to the Father except thru me”. – John 14:6

Man can not make up his own way to gain eternal life or find happiness or achieve purpose.  There is only one way and that is through God’s only begotten Son, Jesus Christ.  Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me. – Matthew 16:24

3. Physical Danger

This game of Pokemon not only can harm you Spiritual and mentally but also physically.  This cartoon at the top of the page shows Pokemon leading people over a cliff to their death.  And the “Pokemon Go” game can be used to do just such a thing.  The game can be hacked to give you coordinates that take you to a dangerous places, like a Hell’s Angel bar or a brothel.  Or a mugger can simply follow the game and wait in secluded place for people to show looking for a digital monster but encountering a real one instead.  On a positive note, the “Pokemon Go” game does motivate young people to get of the couch and go outside for exercise.  But it’s not a game where you interact with others in physical competition or participate in team building but it is a game that furthers compounds the problems of a self absorbed and independent life style.

By the way, in case you didn’t know it when you download the app, you agree to allow the manufacture, Niantic, access to all your Google contact information and web search history, plus the makers of Pokemon are able to track your every move!  Actually, this app is proving so successful in controlling the way people “go” to places, that vendors are trying to use the same technology to induce people to come to their stores and buy stuff.  This article does a good job explaining the dangers of Pokemon Go.  http://www.charismanews.com/opinion/58602-is-pokemon-go-evil-dangerous-or-demonic 


In summary this Pokemon game can become like a “Pokemon God” whom the players serve and follow.   The Pokemon God doesn’t exist in the Physical realm and people can’t touch him but they do trust him.  The Pokemon God tells the player where to go and that person goes there, trusting something good is in store for them there.  The Pokemon God tracks a person’s every step and location on planet earth and people are fine with that.  The Pokemon God has “full” access to your personal Google information and people are fine with that.  The Pokemon God keeps a person busy in an imaginary, digital, virtual existence where they obey a “fun loving God” who entertains them and takes them on a self centered adventure, so the person can escape the real world where they are responsible for their actions.  The Pokemon God instills a sense that the person can control their virtual world by training Demons to do your bidding and get what you want regardless of right and wrong.  The Pokemon God is like the god of this world, Satan, who will put a “mark of the beast” on those who play his game in the coming New World Order.

Wake up you walking dead sinners!  Satan and Pokemon are not your friend.  The God of the Bible, is the One who is your friend and wants to give you the best of life.  Don’t fall for the lie of Satan, that you can do it your way and control your world.  It’s just the same old lie Satan has always used but now he has wrapped it up in today’s technology with a bunch of fun looking Pokemon monsters.  I know people will say I am over reacting to some harmless fun but the bottom line is that the Pokemon game teaches children occult practices that are contrary to God, such as casting spells, training demon like monsters and controlling forces to do your bidding.  Look, there is a real Spiritual battle going on for the souls of our children and we are to teach our children to come to God in prayer for what they need, not go to Demons to get what we want.

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places,” (Ephesians 6:12).

 – Rogersings


I'm a born again child of God loving and serving my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

1 comment Categories: Apolgetics

One thought on “Pokemon -No-

  1. When this game came out, I was flabbergasted – as I am regularly these days – that some many embraced it! There were cases of people being knocked over and even at least 1 death associated with this wicked game! Many different games have been targeted at children over the years – tacamachi – comes to mind which is another Japanese mind capturing toy but now they have upped the anti when it comes to how to totally destroy out children’s minds with this transgender wickedness!

    Jesus is coming soon and it can’t be soon enough! Thanks for a great article!

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