
After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven, and the first voice which I had heard, like the sound of a trumpet speaking with me, said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after these things.” – Revelation 4:1
This title “Rapture me in 5993” sure makes a good rhyming slogan but what does it mean? What does the Rapture of the Church have to do with the number 5993? Well, 5993 AM (Anno Mundi, abbreviated as AM or A.M., or Year After Creation) represents the number of years since God created man and it represents the year that God will rapture His Bride, the Church, according to Clarence Larkin (click here). After the Rapture of the “born-again Church” there will be 7 years of Tribulation which will bring us to the year 6,000 AM. Then there will be 1,000 years of the Millennium Kingdom on earth until the year 7,000 (Revelation 20:4). After the 7,000 years, God will judge all unbelievers at the White Throne of Judgement for the degree of punishment they will receive for all eternity in the Lake of Fire (Revelation 20:11-15). Also at the time, God will then redeem the earth by fire and those who believe in Jesus will begin an Eternal Age on a New Heaven and Earth (Revelation 21:1).
God created the earth in 6 days and rested on the 7th day (Genesis 2:2) and based on this pattern God has ordained 6,000 years for man to reign on the earth and then 1,000 years for Christ to reign on earth, then comes the eternal Age.
But do not let this one fact escape your notice, beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day. – 2 Peter 3:8
I have received a few comments from Christians who are appalled at the idea of the pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church, as though we Christians who believe in a pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church do not study scripture to show ourselves approved by God (2 Timothy 2:15) and we are “Spiritual Snowflakes” for the cause of Jesus Christ. I am grieved that some of my brothers and sisters in Christ label me as ignorant of scripture and think I am someone trying to mislead the flock of Jesus Christ but there is not much I can do about it, other than pray that we will be united in our understanding of prophecy.
And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellow servant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. – Revelation 19:10
I have studied the scriptures extensively and written an article on the scriptural defense of a pre-Tribulation Rapture (click here). The point is that we should be loving and respectful toward one another’s opinions as to the timing of the Rapture, since the timing of the Rapture is not an essential doctrine of the Church that should divide us in fellowship with one another. The Rapture will however divide born-again Christians from unbelievers, as born-again believers are called up into the clouds to meet Jesus in the air at the voice of Archangel and the Trumpet call of God.
For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words. – 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18
In regards to the claim that I am a Spiritual Snowflake who doesn’t want to face the persecution of the Antichrist during the Tribulation, I plead guilty in the sense that I don’t look forward to pain, persecution and tribulation. “Jesus paid it all” (1 Peter 3:18), therefore my suffering does not “earn” my salvation or keep me saved and it’s not necessary in order to prove my love for Him. I do understand that for the Christian the trials of this world can be used by God to burn away the sin and selfish “dross” in our lives so we are trusting Jesus more and reflecting His image through our life, like refined gold. The daily “dying to self … live for Christ” lifestyle is the sanctification process that Paul spoke of in Philippians 2:12 “Work out your salvation in fear and trembling” and this is the message I am declaring in the name of this website “Die2Live“.
“But keep on the alert at all times, praying that you may have strength (Strong’s Greek 2729: To prevail against, overpower, get the upper hand) to escape all these things that are about to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man.” – Luke 21:36 NASB
Somehow by watching for the SIGNS of the End Times and dwelling upon what God is going to do to TAKE REVENGE against the EVIL of this world in the Last Days, we “prevail” over the EVIL of this world and are TAKEN OUT of this world (Rapture) by God to escape His judgment of this EVIL and we can STAND before Jesus with a clear conscience because we did not try to dole out VENGENCE and take Dominion over this End Time Demonic EVIL in our own strength and way. I thank God for His amazing grace and I believe according to His word that “born again” believers will escape the 7-year judgment of the Day of the Lord, that will suddenly fall upon the world like a thief in the night … yet perhaps some will escape in the Rapture (prior to the Seal judgments) and some will escape through martyrdom (at the 5th Seal judgment) … because I think the 7 year Covenant, Time of Jacob’s Trouble begins with the Trumpet judgments.
Of course, I don’t fully understand how the End Time and the Book of Revelation will be fulfilled, I don’t think anyone does … as my wife and I say “We are here, till we HEAR!”
It is an exciting time to be alive and see prophecy fulfilled but it is also a weary and confusing time, with much apostasy in the Church, deception in the News and distractions everywhere! I pray daily for the strength to stand in the faith of Jesus Christ during these perilous times, not because I can lose my Salvation (Jesus holds my eternal security) but because I don’t want to be deceived or taken captive by vain thoughts of this world. The time of Christ’s return is near and I have turned the TV off in order to spend more time learning about God’s word and His love for us. As I see the signs that the world is falling apart, I am encouraged that these signs tell me I will soon be with my Blessed Hope, Jesus Christ (Titus 2:13). I know God will deliver me from the evil of this world in His time … we are here, till we hear!
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me;
Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me. – Psalm 23:4
I have written several articles about the 5993 sign on this website… in fact God awakened me in 2015 as a watchman to warn people of His soon return and this is the reason I created the web sites “Die2Live” and “The 5993 Sign” (The 5993 Sign website is no longer active). Over the last four years (from 2015 to 2019) I have been faithful to report about the signs of the time that point to the imminent return of Jesus Christ. In fact, I have made a “Rapture Calendar (click here)” that gives “high watch” dates and reasons for why the Lord might return on these dates (Note, the Rapture Calendar covers High Watch dates from September 2017 to September 2020 when I stopped updating the Calendar).
In March of 2017, I first heard about the Revelation 12 sign which occurred on September 23, 2017 and I studied many Bible timelines to find one that proved that the year 2017 was the year 5993 AM … the year of the Rapture. I did find a timeline that proved 2017 was the year 5993 but obviously it wasn’t correct so I stopped reporting about the 5993 sign and I started reporting about the many other end times signs, like the increase in unusual weather, the increase of sin in the world, and the increase in tension surrounding Israel and the talk about the “peace deal of the century”.
The Church must decrease and the Jews must increase in order to transition from the Church Age of Grace (both Jews and Gentiles) to the Tribulation Age of Discipline (for the Jews) and Judgement (for the Gentiles). And this is exactly what we are seeing as the apostate teaching is creeping into Churches that once preached the gospel of Jesus Christ, rendering them ineffective for Christ. And the “always apostate” Catholic Church is being exposed for their morally corrupt priests who sexually abuse children and practice a homosexual lifestyle with one another, bringing disgrace and shame to the name of Jesus Christ.
In the meantime, the Jews are back in their land, Jerusalem has been declared the Capital, the Ezekiel 38 nations are gathering in alliance again Israel, the peace deal to divide the land is on the table and leading Rabbis are proclaiming that the Messiah will come before the elections in April 2019. Moreover the Vatican, Cabals, Illuminati and Deep State players who serve Satan know that the time of the Antichrist/Messiah is near! The Demonic activity in the world is now commonplace, openly practiced, celebrated, and even declared in the Congress of the United States as politicians vote to allow babies to be killed after birth. The arches of Baal have opened up the gateway to the Demonic Spirits and the Antichrist is on the scene waiting to take his place as the leader of the Global New World Order, once the restraining influence of the Church is removed by the Rapture (2 Thessalonians 2:6)!
Recently in August 2023, I discovered other pieces of evidence that lend proof that we are living in the year 5993 and this is the reason I am UPDATING this article I wrote in 2019. I should be excited about this new evidence but I realize Jesus gave us the warning that “no man knows the day or hour” so that we will not be deceived and set our hope in a date but we will keep our eyes on Jesus. It is “knowing” Jesus that brings joy … In fact, it can even be proclaimed this way “Jesus Only Y’all – JOY!“
In Jesus Christ, we have God’s promise that He will “overcome” our sin and we will be with Him. It’s focusing on the grace of God that has the power to Save the Lost and Sanctify the Saved that keeps me grounded in faith of Christ and abiding in His love, even as I know Jesus is right at the door. The Lord wants none to perish (2 Peter 3:9), so it is with a heavy heart and a “Heaven heart” I rejoice in my Blessed Hope and pray for people to repent and come to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ before the Day of the Lord arrives. (click here to learn how to have eternal life in Jesus Christ) (click here to view a chart of God’s purpose through the 7,000 years)
– Blessings and Maranatha! – Rogersings
Check out these articles recently posted about the 5993 sign, Rapture in 2023!
Aaron, Dr Barry Awe’s brother with YT channel “God a Minute” posted a video on August 16, 2023 explaining that the Jewish calendar is off by 210 years … so the Jewish Year for 2023 which is 5783 really is 5993! —> https://youtu.be/lBBlF1VQmXI
This year 2023 is the year 5993 AM according to Barry Awe (1/6/2023) … watch the YT video from mm —> https://youtu.be/iq61WznPRlo?t=2959
Here’s the timeline from Gary at Unsealed (published 8/5/2022) about the 5993 Rapture that would occur ON or BEFORE the Feast of Trumpets in 2023! —> https://www.unsealed.org/2022/08/a-timeline-that-just-might-fit.html
Gary’s Timeline can also be viewed and downloaded from Google Docs —> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oRH7KwcGIUUW4n3Cmx2ATA1s56UnkXo0/edit#gid=1698106140
An April Rapture would bring May Sorrows (3/20/2023) – Dr Barry Awe speculating on a Passover Rapture this year 2023 (which is the year 5993 AM according to his latest Timeline) —> https://youtu.be/EL-Xq1jn9Wg
I think that Mr Bones, that Skeleton of Dr. Barry knows the date of the Rapture … but he won’t tell us!
Timelines Predicting a Rapture in 2019:
*Note, I wrote this article in 2019 so the evidence shows that the year 2019 is 5993 … I have updated this article in Evidence 1 to indicate that according to the “corrected” Hebrew Calendar the year 2023 is the year 5993!
Evidence 1: Timeline Calendars that ADD up the years from Creation to show that man has lived on earth for 5993 years:
(a) In 2015 I was awakened by God to determine if we were living in the year 5993 since Creation because this was the most likely year of the Rapture based on the work of Clarence Larkin where in his book “Dispensational Truth” (written in 1920) he stated that the Lord would rapture His church in the year 5993 AM (Chapter 4 THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST) —> https://www.preservedwords.com/disptruth/chap4.html Also in PDF format (page 37) —> https://www.holybibleinstitute.com/files/Dispensational_Truth_-_Clarence_Larkin.pdf
I was also watching the Morals of America decline with the increase of the “Homosexual” agenda, which I understood would bring the End Times JUDGEMENT of God, like during the Days of Lot in Sodom and Gomorrah. Specifically, on June 26, 2015 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Obergefell v. Hodges that the 14th Amendment requires all U.S. state laws to recognize same-sex marriages.[183] This left Section 2 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) of 1996 as superseded and unenforceable. Now, in the year 2023, we are witnessing a “5 Alarm Fire” of EVIL upon America with the LGBTQ+ agenda … so the hour of God’s JUDGEMENT is even closer and urgent … “A minute from Midnight”.
I have studied many Bible timelines, including the most popular one done by Ushers who calculated that creation began in 4004 BC. I also found a little know one, produced by Robert A Makar who calculated that creation began in 3977 BC, indicating that the year 2017 was the year 5993 AM (click here to see this Bible timeline in Makar’s book). Neither of these timelines is correct but more to the point I don’t think any Bible timeline made by man is absolutely correct because Satan has CONFUSED the Calendars and God wants us to dig into scripture to know Him and watch for the signs of His coming as we walk by faith … not by sight.
Here is the Timeline by Gary at Unsealed with a Creation Date of 3972 … therefore the year 5993 AM will END on the Feast of Trumpets in 2023 AD (3972+2023-1) = 5994 … so the Rapture should occur BEFORE the Feast of Trumpets in 2023! —> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oRH7KwcGIUUW4n3Cmx2ATA1s56UnkXo0/edit#gid=1698106140
(b) The Hebrew Calendar TIMELINE is off by 210 years … so the year 2023 AD which is 5783 AM is really 5783+210 = 5993!
One of the biggest points of confusion about calculating Bible timelines is the difference in the age of the patriarchs when they “begat” their first son as recorded in the Greek OT Septuagint (GST) text vs what is recorded in the Hebrew Masoretic OT text (HMT) (click here to read about the difference). Essentially, the GST is a Greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testament that was completed in 132 BC while the HMT is the “maintained” Hebrew text of the Old Testament with the oldest copy found from 900 AD. The issue of which one is the authoritative word of God is a debate that hasn’t been resolved but in the minds of those who do Bible translations, 99% of all Bibles use the HMT.
There are minor differences and no doctrinal differences between the GST and the HMT but there are “major” differences in the Bible timeline. The GST accounts for 1,380 “more” years of Bible history than the HMT, which means we are in the year “7373 AM” according to the GST. Also to add more confusion to computing the age of man, the Jewish calendar calculates that the year 2019 = 5779 AM, not 5993. Some Bible scholars think that the Jews purposefully miscalculate the number of years spent in captivity in Babylon until the birth of Jesus in order to “discredit” the prophecy by Daniel that the Messiah would come and be “cut off” (on the cross) after 483 years.
“Know therefore and understand,
That from the going forth of the command
To restore and build Jerusalem
Until Messiah the Prince,
There shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks (483 years);
The street shall be built again, and the wall,
Even in troublesome times. – Daniel 9:25
Listen to Aaron with “God a Minute” explain that the “Decree to Restore Jerusalem” occurred in 458 BC + 483 = 26 AD when Jesus Christ “The Messiah the Prince” began His ministry. —> https://youtu.be/lBBlF1VQmXI
Jesus was crucified 3 1/2 years later in 30 AD, the Temple was destroyed 40 years later in 70 AD and Jesus will RETURN in Glory 2,000 years after His Resurrection in 2030 AD! Therefore the Pre-Tribulation Rapture will occur 7 years prior to 2030 in the year 2023!
Wikipedia states the number of missing years in the Jewish Calendar is 165 but it could be 214 years in which case 5779+214=5993 in the year 2019! (click here)! But for some real understanding about the missing years in the Jewish Calendar listen to Dr. Thiel (click here) explain how “Rabbi Yose ben Halafta” in the 2nd century (a student of Rabbi Akiva, a Sage who elevated the teaching of the Mishnah – oral law – to that of the Torah – written law – and taught that Bar Kochba in 132 was Israel’s Messiah —> click here) established a Jewish Timeline of events (the Jewish numbering of years that is used today) where he purposefully SUBTRACTED “210” years from the Jewish Calendar so that the time of the Decree to rebuild the Temple + 483 years added up to the time of The Bar Kochba Revolt (132-136). He did this in order to make the man “Bar Kochba” (Son of the Star) fulfill the prophecy of the arrival of the Messiah Prince instead of Jesus, whom the Jewish leaders REJECTED and continue to REJECT as their Messiah. Remember DECEPTION is the number one TRICK of Satan … his Temptation is to bring doubt about God’s word so people are CONFUSED and choose to Trample upon the PERFECT order and Way of God.
(c) I want to thank a dear sister in Christ who sent me a photo of the Bible Chronology found in the “Illustrated Polyglot Family Bible from 1879”. This is an amazing find because according to the people who put this Bible together they computed that 5824 years had occurred from Adam to the year 1850 AD. From 1850 to 2019 is 169 years therefore 5824 + 169 = 5993!
5824 (to 1850 AD) + 169 (to 2019 AD) = 5993!
(d) According to the “The Chronology of the Bible” by Frank R Klassen, the year 2019 AD = 5993 AM. He calculated that the earth was created in 3975 BC (click here).
3975 – 1 (for BC/AD cross over) + 2019 = 5993!
(e) Here is something Chris, my brother in Christ in New Zealand shared (click here). He states that the year of Christ’s return can be determined by Daniels’s prophesy. Note, Chris uses a date of 603 BC for the end of the sacrifices but I use the date 599 BC.
Daniel 12: 11 “From the time that the regular sacrifice is abolished and the abomination of desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days. 12 “How blessed is he who keeps waiting and attains to the 1,335 days
The date the regular sacrifices were abolished occurred when the Jews were exiled to Babylon in the deportation of 599 BC (Note, there were actually several different times during this period from 607-586 B.C. when the Jews were taken captive by Babylon. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Babylonian_captivity). The date the Abomination of Desolation is when the Dome of the Rock was completed in 691 AD.
Therefore 599 BC + 1290 years = 691 the year of the Dome of the Rock
Then the blessed time occurs 1335 years (days) after 691 AD. Therefore 691 AD + 1335 = 2026 AD which is the end of the Tribulation period.
Therefore 2026 – 7 = 2019 the year of the Rapture!
Creation to Exodus 2513 – Beginning in 3975 BCTime in Wilderness 40 – Jews wandered for 40 yearsTime of Judges 407 – 1 Kings 6:1 (480 yrs – 73 yrs)Time of Kings 490 – Jews didn’t observer ShemitahCaptivity in Babylon 70 – punished 1 year for every 7Decree to rebuild Temple 483 – Daniels 69 weeks of 70 weeksStart of Jesus ministry 1990 – 29 AD and cross in 33 AD=====5993! – Rapture of the Church in 2019Daniels final weeks 7 – Jacob’s Trouble ends 2026Millennium 1000=====Last day of moral man 7000 – New Heaven and New Earth!
Evidence 2: I recently found a website called “Tree of Life” that is maintained by a Christian Bible astronomer who said that his research and computer simulation of the planets have lead him to report that the sun stood still in 1421 BC because of a polar shift (click here). This celestial event confirms the account of the battle that Joshua and the Jews fought as they entered the promise land. Using the number of years from the beginning of Adam until the Exodus = 2513 (click here also see chart at the bottom of the page), then adding 40 years the Jews wandered in the wilderness to arrive at the battle date, then adding 1421 years to get to 0 AD, then adding 2019 = the year 5993 AM.
2513 (till the Exodus) + 40 (in wilderness) + 1421 (year sun stood still) + 2019 = 5993!
So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, Until the nation avenged themselves of their enemies. Is it not written in the book of Jashar? And the sun stopped in the middle of the sky and did not hasten to go down for about a whole day. – Joshua 10:13
2554 (from creation till the sun stood still) + 1420 (year sun stood still) + 2019 = 5993!
Evidence 4: Using computer astronomy software there is a person who has seen the Menorah in the sky in 3974 BC, the sign that this was the date of creation. Based on this information the year 2019 is the year 5993 AM, the time for the Rapture! (click here).
3974 (beginning of creation) + 2019 = 5993!
– Saturn – Passover – Satan is defeated by Jesus on the cross– Mercury – Unleavened bread – God’s message proclaimed by Michael– Venus – First Fruits – Resurrection of Jesus Christ– Sun – Pentecost – The Law given and Holy Spirit given– Mars – Feast of Trumpets – Tribulation ends, Christ’ return– Jupiter – Day of Atonement – Sheep and Goat judgement– Moon – Israel saved and enter Millennium
Evidence 5: The YouTube channel “The Return of the King” has put together an analysis of the 13 blood moons (see chart below) which indicate 7 fat years of prosperity for the world beginning in 2012 (a time of deception and ushering in the Antichrist), followed by 7 lean years beginning in 2019 (the Tribulation period). This pattern of years is similar to the time of Joseph in Egypt who was a type of Christ. After the 7 fat years comes the “Rapture” in 2019, followed by the 7 years of Tribulation (click here to view this video).
Evidence 6: In 1536 Suleiman the Magnificent, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire issued a decree to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, fulling “again” the prophecy 70 weeks of Daniel 9:25 (click here) or (click here). 1536 AD + 483 (which is 69×7 weeks of years) = 2019. Ancient dates are difficult to definitively declare, so sometime from 1535 to 1542 Suleiman made the decree. In a sense, the Messiah will be “cut off” when the Rapture of the Church occurs, ushering in the last week of Daniel, the 7 years of Tribulation, the time of Jacob’s Trouble.
Therefore 2019 is the year of the Rapture!
Evidence 7: The Mayan 5,126 year long calendar ended December 21, 2012. This began the 7 years of plenty, followed by the 7 “lean” years of the Tribulation period.
Therefore 2019 is the year of the Rapture!
Evidence 8:
Here is a way to calculate the 2 days until the Jews are “revived” (Hosea 6:2) by adding 2,000 years to the date when Jesus began His ministry , not the date of the Cross. In this case you use the date that Jesus was born in 5 BC and then add 30 years, when He would have qualified as a priest to began His ministry at the Feast of Trumpets in the year 26 AD. His crucifixion would have been 3 1/2 year later at Passover in 30 AD. In this case the “Favorable Year of the Lord” that Jesus refereed too when He read from Isaiah 6:12, was the 80th Jubilee year or the year 4,000 AM which occurred in 26 AD. Then to do the math you simply add 2,000 years to 26 AD which equals 2026 AD, the 120th Jubilee year, the 6,000 year since creation, the year when Jesus returns in judgment at then end of the Tribulation period and the Jews recognize Him as their Messiah! Then subtract 7 years from 2026 AD to calculate the beginning of the Tribulation period and the rapture of the Church, 2026 – 7 = 2019 AD … the 5993 sign!
I will continue to look for Jesus and analyze the evidence pointing to His Soon RETURN. Jesus reprimanded the Pharisees for NOT knowing the TIME of His FIRST visitation and Jesus TOLD us to WATCH the SIGNS for His RETURN.
Blessed are those servants whom the master, when he comes, will find watching. Assuredly, I say to you that he will gird himself and have them sit down to eat, and will come and serve them. – Luke 12:37
Looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, – Titus 2:13
This is a study of the year of Christ’s return as told in the Psalms. I have heard a few people comment that the number of the Psalms match a prophecy for the year in this 20th century, so this is my understanding on the possible connection between the Psalms and Christ’s return. The premise is that Psalm 1= 1901 AD and Psalm 101 = 2001 … etc. The most interesting are the years from 2014 until 2018, the year of the Rapture/Tribulation and the year 2025, the year of the Lord’s return to reign (click here for a video about this).
The book of Psalm has an interesting construction in relation to itself and the Bible as a whole. The shortest Psalm is 117 and the longest is 119 and in between is the Messianic Psalm about Jesus! Also when the Bible is considered as a whole, Psalm 118 is basically in the middle of the Bible. In other words just like Jesus divides history into BC and AD, Jesus divides the Bible by OT and NT and most importantly He divides soul and spirit (Hebrews 4:12)! Jesus did not come to “unite” the world in their sin but to divide the world between those who believe in Him and those who reject Him. Jesus is the judgement sickle cutting down the harvest (Joel 3:13
, Revelation 14:15
) and the widowing fork who separates the wheat from the chaff (Matthew 3:12
) and puts the wheat in His barn and burns up the chaff in His wrath!
Psalm 114 = 2014 – Tremble O earth before the Lord, blood moon warning!
Psalm 115 = 2015 – Warning to the nations to praise God, blood moon warning!
Psalm 116 = 2016 – God has heard the prayers of His people and will deliverance them from death. A Christian is martyred, 1 every 6 minutes.
Psalm 117 = 2017 – Praise the Lord all nations. This is what the solar eclipse and the Revelation 12 sign proclaimed. Repent, give glory to God, prepare to met Your maker!
Psalm 118 = 2018 – This Psalm speaks of entering thru the gates of righteousness (19-20) which is like entering into the door to Heaven Revelation 4:1 which seems to speak about the rapture of the Church. Then comes the “day that the Lord has made” (24) which seems to speak about the Day of the Lord, the beginning of the seven year Tribulation.
Psalm 119 = 2019 – This Psalm speaks about the law and ordinances of the Lord, as though Church Age of Grace has ended and the Jewish Age of Law has resumed beginning with the 7 year covenant and rebuilding of the temple. Note, I found a reference to the rapture in Psalm 119:62 – At midnight I will rise to give thanks unto thee because of thy righteous judgments. At the midnight hour (at the voice of the Bridegroom Matthew 25:6
) I will “rise” (by the rapture/translation to meet Jesus in the air 1 Thessalonians 4:16
) and escape God’s righteous judgement upon the earth (watch and pray to be found strong in faith at the time of the escape/rapture, ready to stand before the Lord at the Bema seat Luke 21:26
Psalm 120 = 2020 – Tribulation and attack from the first four seal judgements.
Psalm 121 = 2021 – The Lord’s blessing for those persecuted, fifth seal.
Psalm 122 = 2022 – Going to the house of the Lord (the mid tribulation – AoD)
Psalm 123 = 2023 – God is seen in Heaven on His throne – wrath begins
Psalm 124 = 2024 – The escape from the flood by the Jews, the last 3 1/2 years
Psalm 125 = 2025 – Christ return at Armageddon
Psalm 126 = 2026 – The resurrection of the Jews and reign of Christ for 1,000 years
Psalm 134 = 2034 – New Millennium temple services begin
Rogersings calculated Dates (taken from an NASB) |
BC Date | Event | Calculated AM Date |
3974 BC | The Creation | 0 |
3834 | Seth born | 130 |
3739 | Enos born | 235 |
3649 | Cainan born | 325 |
3579 | Mahalaleel born | 395 |
3514 | Jared born | 460 |
3352 | Enoch born | 622 |
3287 | Methuselah born | 687 |
3100 | Lamech born | 874 |
2918 | Noah born | 1056 |
2418 | Shem, Ham, Japheth | 1556 |
2319 | Great Flood of Noah | 1655 |
2316 | Arphaxad born | 1658 |
2281 | Salah born | 1693 |
2251 | Eber born | 1723 |
2217 | Peleg born | 1757 |
2188 | Nimrod born | 1786 |
2187 | Reu born | 1787 |
2155 | Serug born | 1819 |
2135 | Nahor born | 1849 |
2096 | Terah born | 1878 |
1966 | Abram born | 2008 |
1891 | Terah died | 2083 |
1837 | Isaac born | 2107 |
1807 | Jacob & Esau born | 2167 |
1699 | Joseph sold into Egypt | 2275 |
1676 | Jacob moved to Egypt | 2298 |
1659 | Jacob died at age 147 | 2315 |
1605 | Joseph died | 2369 |
1541 | Moses born | 2433 |
1461 | Exodus from Egypt | 2513 |
1420 | Sun stood still | 2554 |
Very well written and an interesting find. We pray for Jesus to come get us soon as the world is no longer a place worth living with all the madness going on. Even though I personally am not being persecuted physically, my spirit is daily, seeing all that is going on and my heart grieves for our brothers and sisters and children in Christ who are going through hell right now. I put my trust in God and know He is in total control and believe He will make all things right soon. I pray for “REPENTANCE” to grip this world and people both in and out of the church get on their knees live the people of Nineveh!
Lord have mercy on us all! Blessings and Maranatha!
Great article.
I’ve copied a link to it over to unsealed.org.
And I believe too, that 2019 is the year we will raptured, I am thinking we will be gone before May 14th this year, as that is when Israel turns 71.
Bless you brother Jordan. I pray people wake up and get ready to met the Lord in the air!
You are correct that 2019 AD is indeed 5993 YB, but it is not the year the rapture would be. I recommend you read these 3 bible studies, the first one explaining the year we are in since creation, the second one explaining the appointed times of the Torah and when the rapture would happen in the context of those appointed times, and then the last one is the estimated dates of the events of the second coming, including the rapture. http://www.wisdomofgod.us/2018/11/06/when-the-year-of-the-second-coming-will-be-the-millennial-shabbat-of-the-year-6000-yb-jubilees-and-the-12901335-days-of-daniel/ and http://www.wisdomofgod.us/2018/10/23/the-original-360-day-calendar-of-the-torah-new-moons-and-the-true-appointed-time-and-fulfillment-of-the-festivals-of-the-torah/ and http://www.wisdomofgod.us/estimated-dates-of-the-events-of-the-1-year-great-tribulation-of-the-earth/
Christian, I can see that you have put a lot of time and study into your Bible timeline and I am glad to see we are in agreement that 2019 is the your 5993 AM/YB. The information you provided indicates there will be a pre-wrath Rapture of the Church which will occur 1 week before the end of the Tribulation period in 6000 AM when the bowl judgments are poured out, 1 per day. I agree that the bowl judgement will most likely be poured out at this time but I continue to believe in a pre-Tribulation rapture of the Church in the year 5993. I think the “Trump of God” that sounds for the Rapture of the Church (1 Thessalonians 4:16, Revelation 4:1) and the last trumpet of Revelation that is sounded by an Angel (Rev 11:15) are not the same. I think the gathering of the Church Saints to Heaven will occur before the Tribulation and the gathering of the OT Saints and Tribulation Saints those who died during the Tribulation will occur at the end of the Tribulation, so we will all return with Jesus to earth to begin the Millennium reign in the year 6000 AM (Revelation 19:14). I hope people will click on the links you provided and read you articles but more importantly I hope people read their Bibles. We are each called to be a Berean and search the scriptures to see what is true. Blessings to you sister and Maranatha!
Hey there, I just saw your comment. By the way, my name is Christian, I am a man, your brother in the belief. . The reason the rapture wouldn’t happen 7 years prior is because the Torah lays out the order of the appointed times of the second coming, and among those events is the rapture, which happens shortly after his second coming. And you are right that the “last trumpet” in Thessalonians is not the 7th trumpet of Revelation, because the “last trumpet” is the one on the Day of Atonement after the trumpet blasts of the Torah, when the great shofar is blasted, which is when the Yovel year starts, “jubilee” year. That is why it is written, “and you oh Israel will be gathered one by one, on that day the great shofar will sound”. The Greek word for “trumpet” can also refer to the wind instrument of a “shofar”. And so the Day of Atonement is when the rapture will happen, which happens after the appointed time of trumpet blasts, and the trumpet blasts happen after the second coming. It all happens within a few days of each other, in a specific order, according to the appointed times of the autumn of the Torah. And besides 5993 YB has already started and nothing has happened, which reconfirms that what I am telling you is true. Reread my estimated dates again, perhaps it may grant you deeper understanding of what I’m saying. I’ve added more information and pictures. Also, feel free to email me if you want to discuss some more. You are on the right track with other things though, such as the year we are in from creation and the year the Messiah was anointed. Excellent. Not many people get it right so I am happy I’m not the only coming to these same conclusions. http://www.wisdomofgod.us/2019/11/20/estimated-dates-of-the-events-of-the-1-year-great-tribulation-of-the-earth/
Christian, I fixed my last reply to your previous comment and corrected your name … sorry about that. We are indeed brothers in Christ looking for our Blessed Hope. I first gained insight that Jesus would rapture the Church in the year 5993 from Clarence Larkin in his book “Dispensational Truth” that he wrote in 1919. Can you image Clarence over 100 years ago adding up the years from the Adam, like us, trying to calculate the year 5993, hoping it would occur in his lifetime. His charts opened up my eyes to truth of scripture and the understanding of God’s divine plan. Your timeline may correct and the rapture may be at the end of the Tribulation period … there will be a lot of trumpets and shofars blowing. We are here, till we hear! Blessings to you and Maranatha!
Larkin’s Book Dispensation Truth and Charts
https://www.preservedwords.com/disptruth/chap4.html – Here’s an excerpt from Chapter 4 about the year 5993.
But right here we must sound a note of caution. There is too much confusion in Biblical Chronology to fix any dates with certainty. Doubtless God has ordered it so, so as to keep us in doubt as to the exact date of the Lord’s Return. It may have been 4075 years, instead of 4004 (as generally given), from Adam to Christ. In that case we are living in the year 5993 from the creation of Adam, or on the eve of the Rapture. Again we must not forget that God uses in “Prophetical Chronology” the Calendar Year of 360 days to a year, while we use the Julian or Astronomical Year of 365 1/4 days, and it would be necessary for us to find out what kind of year is used reduce it to the Calendar year. Thus we might find that we are er the end of the six thousandth year than we are aware, and that return of the Lord is IMMINENT. However, while we may upon the above theory as suggestive and in a way confirmatory of the near coming of the Lord, it is not conclusive, and we are not warranted in fixing any date based upon it. And further, we must not forget that the “Rapture” may take place some time before the ‘Tribulation Period” begins and Antichrist is revealed. So if we could fix he exact date when this century will close, and count back 7 years, the Rapture might occur 5, 10 or even 25 years before that, so as to give time for the rebuilding of Babylon and other events that are to occur before the Tribulation Period can begin, otherwise the Rapture would not be a surprise. It is not for the Christian to look for”Time and “Seasons” and “Signs.” To do so will put him in the class of those who say: “My Lord delayeth His Coming” (Luke 12:42-44), and he will become preoccupied with other things and neglect to be watchful. Let us live as if we expected the Return of our Lord at any moment.
It’s 2021 – this is an excellent study and just slightly off. And as the LORD said in the 10 virgin story, HE’s a “long time in coming.” But not to be dismayed. Technology has clarified the calendar and it appears that the 6001 year is only a few weeks away. Look at the torahcalendar.com for more information. Also, the book of truth ( mostly daniel 11 ) is showing us verse by verse coming true as we await the abomination of desolation and the rapture of the church. Thanks for this blog and allowing my post.
It’s 2021 . So what’s good ? You probably missed something in your calculation . No one knows when the lord is coming but the season is not hidden from the believers. Get your calculations and findings right and get inspired by the Holy Spirit that was you might get the season correct . All I know is the coming of our lord Jesus is very near. Watch and pray
Thanks for your comment and encouragement … this article is a work in progress … just like me. The only sure thing is that we get closer to the time of the Rapture each day, each hour, each minute and each second … I’m watching everyday as I see the signs everywhere, especially this scam-demic that has overtaken the world in fear and deception and treachery.
Here is the latest high watch from “Dr Barry Awe” – “RAPTURE JUNE 25th Proof revealed that our Lord does want His Faithful and Diligent to know the Day” —> https://youtu.be/q2NZ0ZFGuRY
Clarence Larkin in 1918 did his own date calculations and thought he was near the time of the Rapture —> http://www.despatch.cth.com.au/Books_V/Dispensational-Truth.pdf
On page 41, Larkin considered the possibility that he was living at the time of the Rapture … the year 5993.
But right here we must sound a note of caution. There is too much confusion in Biblical Chronology to fix any dates with certainty. Doubtless God has ordered it so, so as to keep us in doubt as to the exact date of the Lord’s Return. It may have been 4075 years, instead of 4004 (as generally given), from Adam to Christ. In that case we are living in the year 5993 from the creation of Adam, or on the eve of the Rapture.
Dr barry awe was also wrong in his 25th June date. This proves that no one knows the day but I’m so sure the season is now. Thank you for your reply . I’m inspired by most of your writings, I read them all and I have since increased in my knowledge. Continue the good works . Love from Africa
The signs of the approaching Tribulation Storm are increasing in number and intensity. I am watching and trusting in my Blessed Hope … Jesus Christ to “Rapture” His Bride … while also praying and listening for a revelation of His will that may be different from my current understanding. I continue to watch the watchers but don’t put my hope in them or in dates. Dr Barry has just put up a new video and some new dates … He has great enthusiasm and love for Jesus and some good information about God’s word and the way He order things, also it’s hilarious when Mr Bones chimes in. Blessings to you. Maranatha!
BTW, since a year ago I have switch my focus from writing articles here to posting info about the deception of the coming NWO and the danger of the JAB on BrandNewTube —> https://brandnewtube.com/watch/as-you-see-the-day-approaching-keep-your-eyes-on-jesus_sFHfAbeeQFwl3ez.html
hello . brother charles , brother woo and steve fletcher found a new rapture date , i think you need to watch the vidoes they put up . very mind blowing . see you in the cloud soon my brother . our dear lord jesus christ is almost here
We are just months away from the public rise and revealing of the 8th King. Whether that is 3, 9, 12 or more I do not know for sure. My inner awareness is something big will happen that will trigger the opportunity for his rise and take over of the gov. The message given to me was urgent. A warning to prepare for persecution and laying down our life in faith and testimony to Jesus Christ, the Son of God and our Savior. You can read what I was shown at http://www.walkin.love