“And behold, I am coming quickly. Blessed is he who heeds the words of the prophecy of this book.” – Revelation 22:7
Every since Jesus ascended into Heaven, His followers have been watching and anticipating His return. When Jesus said He would come quickly, I think His disciples anticipated the rapture would occur during their lifetime but after almost 2,000 years Bible commentators today understand that Jesus was saying that His coming would be “quickly” or “suddenly” without warning, not quickly in terms of number of day before He returned. However, for God, a 1,000 years is like a day which is what promoted me to write this article … so keep reading. Jesus said that when He returned the world would be like the days of Noah, when people were doing normal good things, preoccupied with their own good stuff going on and unconcerned about God’s righteousness upon the earth. Sound familiar?
“I tell you that He will bring about justice for them quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?” – Luke 18:8
Jesus proposed a question … He asked that when He came back to Earth would there be anyone found that had “faith” in Him? And this is a good question for people today because the majority or of people are preoccupied with the goodness of “globalism”, uniting the world into a Global New World Order of peace. Globalism is the battle cry of the “new morality” while warning against the ideologies that kill and destroy is considered “hate speech” by those who value a temporary peace among man through unity over an eternal peace with God by salvation in Jesus Christ. Liberal Universities even make “safe spaces” in order to shied their minds from the truth. This is why students at Berkeley, “the home of free speech”, destroyed their campus in protest when they find out someone was coming to speak the “truth” of reality that would expose their weak Liberal lies.
2 Timothy 3: 1But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. 2For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, 4treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power;
And there are signs of apostasy displayed from the lazy and worldly “Laodicean” like Church that no longer proclaims the truth of repentance from sin and salvation in Christ alone but proclaims a “feel good” message of acceptance of sin and salvation by works. The lazy Church of today doesn’t know God or understand that His goodness can only be obtained through a “born again” relationship through His only begotten Son Jesus Christ. Holiness is the path to happiness, not by “following your heart” but by denying your selfish heart and turning your heart to follow Jesus. Essentially, for the most part, the world is in a state of “Spiritual Delusion” and “Spiritual Divide” that Jesus spoke about as a sign right before His coming, believing in the “fake” news of man’s own goodness over the “truth” of God’s goodness and being divided over what is the “truth” … a social justice mandate made by man or the person of Jesus Christ!
Another sign that the “end times” are near is that Islam is no longer primarily spread by the sword of jihad but it is spread by biological jihad. Muslim simply “out birth” the free democratic nation where they reside, in order to become the majority that votes to take away freedom of religion and implement Sharia law. Muslims are waiting for the Mahdi to come rule over the world while the infidels are eagerly desiring a Global New World Order of “peace”. Both of the Muslims and Infidels will find their “dream state” utopia fulfilled in the coming of the Antichrist who will rule during the 7 year Tribulation period. And the “fake Christian” church of Rome is doing everything they can to merge all religions, including Islam, into “one” world religion called “Chrislam”.
And there are signs in the Heavens that are proclaiming the coming of Christ because the Revelation 12 sign, that only appears once every 7.000 years, will appear in the cosmos on September 20th, 2017. This sign that will appear in the Heavens on this date is the Virgo constellation “the virgin” giving birth to the planet Jupiter “the lion from the tribe of Judah”. This is actually a “double” sign, one of a child born before the birth pains “the rapture of the Church” and one of a child born after the pains “Israel the born again child that survives the Tribulation”.
And there is the sign that the shafts of the Great Pyramids that will align on September 20th, 2017 and point to this constellation. And there are dates of other significant events that effected Israel in the past that occurred in pattern of years best understood by reading this post ” http://www.raptureready.com/2017/05/21/numbers-that-are-getting-my-attention/ .
But as convincing as these signs are, I am writing this article to address the signs of “mathematics” of the fullness of time that will occur on September 20, 2017. This day is the Jewish New Year feast of Rosh Hashanah, the “feast of Trumpets”. Can’t you see the finger of God in this timing? He blows the Trump to bring home His bride, “the Church” on the feast of Trumpets. The other four Jewish feasts have events that mark their fulfillment, such as the Passover lamb was fulfilled by Jesus Crucifixion as the Lamb of God and 50 days later on the feast of Shavuot when the Jews celebrate the harvest and the giving of the law, God brings a harvest of believers and the giving of the Holy Spirit. Then the final two feast remain (of the total seven Jewish feasts) one for the Judgement – Yom Kippur and one for the feast of Tabernacles, rest, Sukkoth.
The wise men used Daniels prophecy, mathematics and the signs in the Heaven to understand when Christ would be born. And Sir Robert Anderson in 1894 in his book “The Coming Prince” used Daniels prophecy and mathematics to calculate the exact day when Jesus would be crucified. And in the same way I am using the word of God, His holy number 7 and mathematics to understand the fullness of time and the time of Christ’s coming.
The 6,000 years of man’s dismal reign is nearly complete upon the earth because on Sept 20, 2017 it will be 5,993 years since creation (well that is the calculation that I am trying to prove below). Then comes the 7 years of Tribulation which will complete the Jewish discipline of 70 x 70 weeks and this 7 year period also completes the judgement and “fullness of time” for the Gentiles. Then after the 7 years comes the 1,000 years of peace, where Christ rules the world with a rod of iron. And then comes the final White Throne of Judgment and a New Heaven and Earth, where redeemed and resurrected man will reign and rule with Christ forever from the new city of Jerusalem.
Can’t you see the beauty and order of design from God that is revealed in His holy number of 7? There are seven continents, seven ocean, seven colors to the rainbow, seven notes on the music scale + 5 black keys = 12 (another amazing number which speaks of God’s completeness of purpose). The periodic table of elements has seven levels and the very first verse of the Bible (Genesis 1:1) is composed of … you guessed … seven Hebrew words. And the numeric values assigned to these Hebrew letters combine to revel 7 x 111 or 777. Clearly God’s signature is upon the Bible from the opening verse.
You see, the seven days of creation parallel the seven thousand years of man’s existence upon the earth. On the “eight day” Christ arose on Sunday to give us eternal life. And this resurrection event is paralleled in creation, in the way that after 7,000 years God will make a new eternal Heaven and Earth where His eternal children who believe in Jesus Christ will live with Him forever. Whereas seven is God’s perfect number of design, the number eight represents the resurrected life that never ends. And isn’t it interesting that if you turn 8 on it’s side, it looks like a mobius strip that never ends and represents the mathematical symbol for infinity!
Even the names of the planets “the wondering stars” as the prophets called them, reflect the beauty and order of God. It’s true that Roman mythology influenced the names of the week and the meaning of the planets but before this corruption Sunday, which is the “first” day of the week, represented the creator God who “first” gave life to creation, which is like the Sun that gives us the electromagnetic energy that powers life on planet earth. And Monday is the moon, Tuesday is for Mars, Wednesday Mercy, Thursday Jupiter, Friday Venus and Saturday Saturn. The thing of order and beauty is that Jupiter is known to be the key planet in the the constellation of Leo, the Lion of Judah, the Lord Jesus Christ. Isn’t it interesting that Jesus was crucified on “Good Thursday”, Nisan 14, 32 AD and His return for His church will be on Thursday, Sept 21, 2017, the day of the week that is named in honor of Him!
I am working on calculating the number of years from the beginning of creation until Sept 21, 2017 to see if I can prove that on this day man will have walked 5,993 years upon the earth. Click here to read the article to read the evidence supporting the idea that 2017 is the year 5993 and more information about the amazing number 7! I just finished this article on 8/3/2017 and I am waiting on others to read this and give me some feedback … but hey y’all we ain’t got much time to debate this issue.
I am not setting dates for God to fulfill but I am setting my eyes on God who fulfills His promises on the dates that He sets. Most Christians who at least have some understand of the rapture act like “Parakeets”, repeating that “no one knows the day or the hour except God the Father (Matthew 24:36)” but I am relying on the “Paraclete“, the Holy Spirit that is telling me the time is very short and to stand strong for Christ and finish well for Jesus! I think when Jesus used this saying He was implying that He was following the Jewish custom that a Jewish groom could only come get his bride once he “prepared a house for his bride that was approved by the Father”. I think Jesus knew the time but he didn’t give us the exact time or we would just sit with our noses pressed against the glass waiting for his return, instead of sowing His seed in the world!
– Rogersings