Supreme Court Declares Same-Sex Marriage Legal In All 50 States June 26, 2015
A Sunday school teacher once asked her class “what is the worse thing that a person can do?” and the children replied with “murder, stealing, lying and hating others” but one little boy said, “the worse thing a person can do is not do God’s will“. And this my friends is what has happened today, as a nation we have defied God’s will concerning marriage and forced His hand of judgment upon us. God has clearly defined marriage as the union between one man and one woman. It is a God ordained institution that cannot be overruled, ignored or redefined. Therefore today is a day of mourning because the freedom and prosperity that we have enjoyed under the protection and blessing of God has ceased and His judgment has begun!
Some people think “marriage” has nothing to do with a commitment to God but it is just a government status that allows them to save money at the end of the year. However, even in this limited definition of marriage, same sex couples do not deserve a government tax break because they do not meet the requirements for why this tax break exist. A marriage tax break is given to opposite sex couples so they have the potential to perpetuate a good family environment where children can be born and raised with American values in order that there will be an America in the future. However in the case of same sex couples, #1 – they cannot pro-create and bring new children into the world; #2 – their life style does not perpetuate or build upon the values of America, which are founded upon the Bible; #3 – their life style is an abomination to God which brings the wrath of God down upon America. Therefore, it is illogical and a miscarriage of justice to grant same sex couples equal tax status with opposite sex couples.
But most people today don’t care about logic, justice or the truth, instead they see this act by the Supreme Court today as a victory of freedom for those confused by their sexual identity or for those in turmoil over their desire to engage in sexual activity other than what God has ordained. Many even compare the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) movement to the civil rights movement that Martin Luther King Jr championed for equal treatment of all God’s children regardless of the color of the skin. But this is a ludicrous comparison because the civil rights movement was a movement that honored the will of God, in that it affirmed that in God’s eyes there is only one race, the human race, whereas the sexual rights movement dishonors God declaring that there is no sexual distinction between the sexes, yet God has clearly created two sexes.
Genesis 5:2 “He created them male and female, and He blessed them and named them Man in the day when they were created.”
From the beginning God made man and woman, Adam and Eve, two distinct sexes, equal in honor before God but different in roles and responsibility toward God. God creates a person at birth with the DNA that defines that person’s sexual identity and God makes a way for that person to be satisfied and enjoy his God given sexually identity. A person’s sexual identity is not something that can be changed, anymore than a person’s DNA can be changed or a person’s personality can be changed. It is a God given assignment and blessing, not a genetic mistake by God or a defect that needs to be corrected. Furthermore, a person’s satisfaction and joy cannot be found in trying to change their sexually identity or by engaging in sexual activity other than between a married man and woman.
Ephesians 5:22-33 22Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord. 23For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body. 24But as the church is subject to Christ, so also the wives ought to be to their husbands in everything. 25Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her, 26so that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, 27that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless. 28So husbands ought also to love their own wives as their own bodies. He who loves his own wife loves himself; 29for no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ also does the church, 30because we are members of His body. 31FOR THIS REASON A MAN SHALL LEAVE HIS FATHER AND MOTHER AND SHALL BE JOINED TO HIS WIFE, AND THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH. 32This mystery is great; but I am speaking with reference to Christ and the church. 33Nevertheless, each individual among you also is to love his own wife even as himself, and the wife must see to it that she respects her husband
To a certain extent the ruling today doesn’t have any effect in changing the definition of marriage because God only recognizes a marriage where it is a union between a man and a woman, where both man and woman are born again believers in Jesus Christ. You see, in a Christian marriage, the two become one flesh (Genesis 2:24), one in soul, one in Spirit, one in physical intimacy, one in goals, one in mindset and one in purpose. A man and a woman cannot become joined in Spirit if they do not both have a born again Spirit of God within them and honor the Holy Spirit of God in their life. A Christian marriage is meant to be a witness to the world of how the body of Christ works at the smallest level, as the husband and wife love and serve one another, while the Church is supposed to be a witness to the world of how the bride of Christ (the Church) honors her husband (Jesus Christ) by being subject to Jesus and giving Jesus the honor He is due. In the case of Jesus Christ, the Church has a perfect husband, so we can draw closer and closer to Jesus by doing everything He says but in a marriage between a man and a woman both parties are sinners and the only way the two parties can draw close to one another is if they both first draw closer to God. Therefore sin (a turning away from God) is really the root cause of every divorce because just as God makes it possible for us to be eternally satisfied as Christ’s bride, so does God make it possible for a Christian couples to stay together have a life long loving marriage, if they daily draw close to God.
It is not homosexual desire that is a sin, because everyone has sinful thoughts that plague us. We are all born sinners, with a propensity to sin. Immoral thoughts plague everyone with a “temptation” to sin. But being tempted to have homosexual sin or being tempted to have sex outside of marriage is not sin if you turn away and run from the thought and temptation of sin. It is dwelling upon homosexual desire or dwelling upon sex outside of marriage (between one man and one woman) that is a sin and “acting” upon that desire that is an even worse sin. But, even the sin of homosexuality or the sin of adultery or the sin of having sex outside of marriage can be forgiven by God. However, the sin that calls God’s hand of judgment against a nation is the “acceptance” of sin in society and this is especially true for the sin of homosexuality.
In this video below, by Dr Frank Turek explains that all sex outside of marriage is a sin. We all have attractions that we should not act upon, and it is not a sin to be tempted by these attractions. It is when you “act” upon the temptation to sin, that sin causes the destruction in the world and loss of fellowship with God (for the believer). God forgives sin, if a person repents and asks God for forgiveness of his sin. The issue today in America is that by legalizing the sin of homosexuality, we are driving people away from reconciliation from God. This is why God is coming soon to judge America.
The issue here is the act of pride when a person says that same sex attraction is no longer a sin but a wonderful life style. When a person reaches this degree of rebellion toward God, they have hardened their heart to the point where they can not understand that God’s ways are the highest and the best. They have put their ways above God’s ways and have become their own god; a god who has no power to save them from death; a god who can create nothing but chaos, hate and fear; a god who is selfish, egotistical and deaf to the voice of logic and truth; a god who gives them a false sense of security and belonging based on the lies of their own reasoning; a god who deceives them and cheers them on as they walk along the “feel good” road toward eternal death and separation from God. Defiantly, they march along, waving their LGBT flag of many colors, as they proudly embrace their sin and hold fast to their free will right to hate God. With “glee” they march past the cross of Jesus Christ singing, “Jesus, You died in vain. We don’t need or want You to free us from our sinful behavior because it is our sinful behavior that we embrace and love … not You.”
And for those who think this today’s decision will pacify the LGBT community and put an end to their demands for “equal rights”, this is really only the tip of the iceberg. The LGBT community will not be satisfied with equal treatment under the law but they are already demanding that any speech or belief that condemns their life style be silenced! This means the battle to protect freedom of speech and freedom of religion will soon be coming to the church because the LGBT agenda is to silence the preaching of God’s word concerning morality and marriage. Furthermore, you can bet other groups are going to eventually demand equal rights to marry, such as those who want to marry multiple women or men, those that want to many children, those that want to marry their pet and those that demand the right to marry themselves. And why not recognize these rights to marry? What the difference? According the the Supreme Court, isn’t it my right as an American citizen to choose whom I love and want to marry? Why should I be oppressed and treated differently by society just because I love my ball point pen and what to marry her? As you can see, there really is no end to the madness and the destruction of a society when man’s reasoning trumps God word.
Look, I do not hate LGBT people. I am not homophobic … I am sin-o-phobic. I am afraid of sin and the effects of sin. I am afraid of the penalty of sin, eternal death and separation from God, an eternal existence of torment in the Lake of Fire (Revelations 20:15). Unless a person believes that the Lord Jesus Christ is able to pay his sin debt to God and that person’s ask Jesus to take his place before God in judgment for his sin, then that person will remain Spiritually disconnected from God. When that person dies physically, he will no longer have the ability to choose to accept Christ as his Savoir and that person will die Spiritually and experience an eternal life disconnected from God. I think it will be an eternal life of solitude where you are trapped in the confines of your own thoughts and reasoning. This is what hell will be like, you will scream but no one can hear you and you cannot even hear yourself! This is not the future God wants for people. God wants people to repent of sin and be saved from sin and enjoy His wonderful fellowship for all eternity.
Yes, it is a sad day in America and for the world because plain and simple, the LGBT agenda is a movement to promote sin, advance Satan’s Kingdom and bring the world under judgment from God. Just like it happened in Sodom and Gomorrah, the key indicator of the depth of depravity is the presence, practice and parade of homosexuality activity. This is not a negotiable point with God but a jumping off point from God. The tolerance or acceptance of sin brings down the judgment of God. There is no sugar coating the outcome of this decision today or avoiding the repercussion from God’s hand of judgment. Those who are lifting up their voices today in prideful celebration will one day be lifting up their voices with the cries of pain from the punishment they are due because of their sin. Unfortunately the cries will not be cries of repentance to God for forgiveness of their sin but they will be he cries of cursing toward God because He has judged them for their sin. However, it doesn’t have to be with way. God has made a way through belief in His Son Jesus Christ, to escape the coming night of His judgement upon the world.
Therefore, in light of today’s decision, it is the Christian’s duty to proclaim the truth of Christ, even if it offends people and is “illegal” to do so. For instance, if I proclaim God’s truth that homosexuality is a unacceptable sinful behavior before God will I be arrested as a person spewing “hate crime speech” since the government has declared this behavior acceptable? And can the Holy Spirit convict a person of his sin unto repentance and salvation when the government has embolden the person to freely sin, causing that person to harden his heart? The truth of the matter is that this decision today is going to increase the level of deception in the world concerning “the truth” of what is best for man because people will think that God’s way doesn’t matter or that God doesn’t care about sin in America since He has not immediately rained down hail and brimstone upon America. But actually just the opposite is true, God has judged American because He has lifted His restraining hand of truth and allowed this sin to thrive and destroy us. We are acting like a child that is rebelling against his parents and the worse thing that can happen to the child is that he gets his own way. For instance, if a child has his way, all he would eat is dessert, which would result in the child becoming hyper, malnourished, overweight, sick and possibly dying. And this my friend is what has happened to us today, we have rebelled against God and we are eating our cake (our sinful will) instead of eating our balanced diet (God’s perfect will).
The bottom line is that today the gap between the Kingdom of Heaven (believers) and the Kingdom of Earth (unbelievers) has widened, making it harder for unbelievers to hear the voice of truth and making it harder for believers to speak the word of truth.
Acts 4:19-20 But Peter and John answered and said to them, “Whether it is right in the sight of God to give heed to you rather than to God, you be the judge; for we cannot stop speaking about what we have seen and heard.”
+8^) Rogersings
Watch this video “We Will Not Bow” by John MacArthur:
News updates and fallout from this decision:
Supremes set date to decide ‘what is sin’ scheduled for March 23, 2016
Unfortunately, we continue to slide down the slippery slope of sin. Americans continue to eagerly vote away our God given freedoms believing that the government of man knows best. I wish I say I see a great awaking of the American people and a turning toward God … but I don’t. These cases just keep piling up now that the government is in charge of heath care and redefining the definition of marriage.
Fundamental Christians in American fervently pray for our people in our nation to repent and return to God. We have fallen so far from the vision and foundation of our founding fathers. Like the fall of so many great nations before us, we are collapsing from withing because of a moral decline and a turning from God. We pray for a leader like Josiah to arise and tear down the strongholds of sin, so that the wrath of God that is due America will be stayed and the work of salvation in a land that honors God and protects freedom of speech can continue.
It is bitter to watch the decline of this great nation that has been blessed by God but sweet to know that Jesus is coming soon to judge this world and set up His Kingdom. The Antichrist will have no trouble peddling his lies to the masses who wait like little birds in the nest for their mother “Big Government” to come feed them and tell them what is best for them.
It was just a matter of time before the fallout from the Supreme Court decision hit the streets. Pastors are not allowed to counsel and call homosexuality a sin. Speaking the truth in love is now a “hate” crime, so as a Christian be prepared to face fines and jail sentence for presenting the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ.
http://www.wnd.com/2015/07/state-defends-firing-for-calling-homosexuality-sinful/ (News 7/28/2015)
The policy states that DJJ staff, volunteers and others “shall not imply or tell LGBTQI juveniles that they are abnormal, deviant, sinful or that they can or should change their sexual orientation or gender identity.” “DJJ 912 equates the teaching of biblical morality with ‘derogatory,’ ‘biased” and ‘hateful’ speech,”.