The slogan “what would Jesus do” WWJD that was once popular and leading people to be like Christ has now been replaced by the slogan “my Jesus, my Rules” MJMR. Although, this is new outbreak of rebellion from man, it is really just a continuance of the self indulgent nature (SIN) of man that was unleashed by the temptation from Satan in the garden of Eden.
Genesis 3:1 Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said to the woman, “Indeed, has God said, ‘You shall not eat from any tree of the garden ‘?”
The heart of sin seeks to define a religion that offends no one and allows everyone to do their own thing. This is the message of from the god of this world “Satan” not the message of Jesus.
Matthew 16:24 Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me.
A message that seeks to unify people without acknowledging the truth of God’s word and repentance from sin is a message from the god of this world Satan. This is the message of corruption which will define the church when Christ comes to judge the world.
Revelation 17:4-5 The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and was glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls. She held a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries. the name written on her forehead was a mystery: Babylon the great, the mother of prostitutes and of the abominations of the earth.
I don’t know whether to list this story under the category of “news” or “prophecy” that is being fulfilled right before our eyes. For we know from the book of Revelation that the beast is the Antichrist, the ruler of the world government during the tribulation period and the harlot who represents the one world religious system who will ride the beast … for a while!
– Rogersings
The following content is from this link: http://www.nowtheendbegins.com/blog/?p=31982
People have always tried to increase the number of church members. Well, there is a new trend, and they are packing in people like never before! Here is the catch: They advertise that ALL beliefs are welcome. You just have to believe in something, and I suppose that means you can be an atheist too!
They are calling themselves “Radically Inclusive” churches. They even have a slogan: BYOG. That stands for “Bring your own god.” If these churches stand for anything and everything, then what is their purpose?
One such church that has gotten quite a bit of attention lately is led by D.E. Paulk. The son of Earl Paulk, he was once considered to be the “heir apparent” at one of the largest mega-churches in America. But these days he leads worship at a church that recognizes “all gods and prophets, including Mohammed”.
The Spirit and Truth Sanctuary, which D.E. founded in 2012, welcomes everyone from Wiccans to atheists, Hindus to Muslims, recognizing all gods and prophets, including Mohammed.
‘All you have left is who you are. The games are gone… If there was anything I wanted to say I thought would be unacceptable to the church, now is the time to say it.’
After much soul searching, D.E. established his church based around one principle: ‘Christ cannot be, and will not be, restricted to Christianity‘. Paulk insists that there is “no hell except what one creates with one’s own actions“, and he is very proud of the diverse group of people that currently attends his service
Today, the church is a rarity on many levels: interfaith, interracial, a mosaic of people deep in the Bible Belt where many churches remain segregated. The church has gay couples, college students, agnostics, some Muslims and even a Wiccan priest. Pictures of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and Mahatma Gandhi adorn the walls.
A stained glass window looming over the pulpit captures the spirit of the church. It’s a design that contains a Christian cross, ringed by symbols from Judaism, Islam and Hinduism. In the middle is a dove, which symbolizes the spirit of peace that binds them all together.
Pastor Paulk has written a book called “I Don’t Know”, and in it says this:
“All Truth flows to us from One Divine River. From that One River many wells form and are fed. We might call these wells religions, cultures or philosophies. All wells sustained by the One River contain beauty and truth. However, we make a grave mistake when we declare any particular well as being the One River.” source
Jesus, on the other hand, says this:
“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” John 14:6 (KJV)
Here is how a CNN reporter described a service at the Sanctuary:
The service then started to feel like a Pentecostal tent-revival but with an unusual twist. A group of singers took to the stage and opened with a hypnotic Tibetan Buddhist chant that evoked the spirit of compassion: “Om Mani Padme Hum.”
The chant segued into “Shanti, Shanti Om,” a Hindu prayer for peace. Then as the chanting grew louder, the drums and bass kicked in as the singers switched to a Muslim chant about the sovereignty of God: “La ilaha, Il Allah.”
This person really summed it up clearly for us:
“After years of spiritual reflection and inquiry, I am at a place where I don’t want to feel guilty, hypocritical, judgmental, closed-minded or arrogant. So, where do I stand now — 30 years after “finding God,” questioning my faith, committing sins, seeking hazardous adventure and trying to love life and people to the best of my ability? I am a “seeker.” A constant seeker within this world, among people and, of course, for spiritual enlightenment of all kind. Because if I did possess the truth — the “final answer” — I am convinced I would spend the rest of my years missing out on the enrichment and surprise of seeking it.” source
Remember “Seeker Sensitive churches?” Well, there you go. That slippery slope has finally hit the bottom!!
Oh Lord, please come quickly