You know a society is headed down the toilet when it’s citizens can’t even figure out what bathroom to use.
“Anger Management” is the title of a popular TV show where Charlie Sheen plays a psychiatrist who facilities group encounter sessions with his angry patients. During these group sessions the patients talk about their anger issues in a comical sense but there isn’t any real attempt to find the reason for their anger, whether it is justified or selfishly motivated by pride and revenge. The show offers no real help in understanding anger since the main purpose of the show is to spot light Charlie’s indiscriminate sex life, something he mastered on his previous show “Two and a Half Men”.
Yes, anger needs to be managed, otherwise it can lead to destructive thoughts and behavior. Yet anger that is overly-managed and suppressed can also lead to destructive thoughts and behavior, since remaining silent about evil that happens to you allows evil to rule over you and hurt others.
The Bible says, “BE ANGRY, AND yet DO NOT SIN; do not let the sun go down on your anger” Ephesians 4:26. It is not a sin to be angry. Everyone gets angry and as you get older you are likely to get increasingly angry at yourself for what you are not able to do anymore or what you continue to do even though you know better. Anger will surely rise up in you but do not let your anger turn into sin. Don’t be thinking about revenge and getting even but seek to be reconciled with the person who made you angry. Pray to God, “forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” Pray for your enemy and remember “vengeance is mine sayth the Lord“.
And righteous anger should lead you into “a righteous confrontation” with the person who sinned against you because you want God’s righteousness to shine, overcome the sin and unite the two of you. Jesus displayed righteous anger when He drove the money changers from the temple. These money changer were charging an unfair price for a sacrificial animal, something that a traveling Jew would need to offer a sacrifice for himself and his family. In essence, they were cheating people out of money and preventing some people from buying a sacrifice so they could come to God. And this is what sin does … it keeps people from God.
Jesus also displayed righteous anger toward the Scribes and Pharisees when He called them “white wash tombs“. Jesus knew their motive for keeping the law was self serving. They wanted others to honor them for their efforts to keep the law, while they ignored teaching others about God’s forgiveness for sin. Yes, Jesus had perfect discernment and knew how to react to people because He saw their heart. He knew their motive and how to best express God’s pleasure or displeasure for their motive. But we don’t have perfect discernment. We can’t see a person’s heart and know what motivates them. This is why we need to “confront” a person as lovingly as possible, praying for God’s wisdom and for Him to be glorified.
Most of the time we get angry because things don’t go “our way” or we have been insulted and we react in anger as judge, jury and executor to hurt the other person in the same way we have been hurt. For example you react in “road rage” when someone cuts you off and you flip them the bird or ride their bumper to show you are just as crazy as they are. But a contest to see who is the craziest driver endangers everyone around you and may cause you to have a stroke. Therefore, don’t let anger drive you crazy and cause you to act stupidly to solve the problems of life.
On the other hand, the parent who immediately disciplines their child with a spanking is doing a good thing. Do not spare the rod and spoil the child. (Proverbs 13:24) The quicker sin is recognized and confronted the faster the healing process because sin that is left unaddressed will fester and become a worse sin. And not confronting sin is the sin of “omission” that looks the other way at the sin of “commission’ and creates an even bigger state of sin.
The reason I am writing this article is to discuss all the anger that is rising up in the world. The anger is a result of the escalating sin and the conflict between sinful and misguided people who “suppress the truth” and the righteous and sometimes overzealous people who “restrain the lies“. This is a Spiritual battle that first started in the garden of Eden and continues today. Click on this link to read about the battle between The Restrainers and the Suppressors.
Those who “suppress the truth” have recently won the battle to legalize sin in America. It is not enough that the government legally recognizes two men or two women as married so they enjoy tax benefits and other privileges reserved for married couples but now the LGBT community want everyone to “approve” of this sinful union and celebrate their “right to sin“. Issues of public decency and conscientious objection to sin is meaningless to those who are intoxicated with sin and the “power” to weld it over others in the name of civil liberty. But the legal right to sin does not mean it is right to sin … in God’s eyes. Our legal right to free speech does not mean what we speak is right … in God’s eyes. God is not mocked.
People can’t change the truth but “The Truth” can change people.
Romans 1:26For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.
God hates sin. He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to pay the penalty for sin. Some people hold up a sign stating “No Hate in my State“. But, we are suppose to hate sin and repent of our sin. Those who parade around with a “No Hate” sign are really saying “I hate God’s word and I hate those who want to live a godly life”. They are really pushing an agenda of sin and tolerance for sin, saying “We win, love sin!”. People who support a LGBT agenda want to be painted like a “victim” of hate crime such as racism but “race” is a God given physical identity while “gender association” is a man chosen delusion of sin. Christians don’t hate people that are deluged by sin, as a matter of fact it an act of love to stand against sin and point someone to the cure for sin, Jesus Christ. Christian should hold up signs too like “Don’t Hate God and His Messengers” or “Don’t let sin do you in!“.
Therefore, if you call yourself a Christian, your hate for sin should make you angry and sad about the increasing amount of sin in the world? Jeremiah was a weeping prophet who wept because of the sins of Israel. (Jeremiah 9:1) Jeremiah was warning his people in tears of emotion that because of their unfaithfulness to God, God’s judgment was coming in the form of a Babylonia invasion and captivity … if his people didn’t repent. And this is what is happening today in America, we need to repent and repeal these laws that legalize sin or we will soon be incur the wrath of God. And like Jeremiah, our righteous anger against sin should cause us to take up the “sword of the Lord” (God’s word) so we can defend our Christian faith, restrain the evil in the world and warn people to repent and be saved from the coming wrath of God.
Let’s take the HB2 bill in North Carolina. Should men who want to identify as a women be allowed to use the toilet facilities and shower facilities with women? No, according to HB2 which protects the safety and sanity of girls and women who don’t want to be exposed to male genitals in a public bathroom and shower. This is the way bathrooms have always been used. More over, it is illegal for a man to expose himself to a woman or girl. So why would a State pass a law allowing someone to do what is already illegal in their State? This issue boggles the mind. It makes no sense for a man to enter the women’s restroom, shower or dressing room because he says he “feels like a woman today.” The fact is, gender identity isn’t something we choose or feel. We are the sex God created us to be-male or female. How a person feels or dresses doesn’t change a person’s gender or the frightening effect it causes when that person exposes themselves to the opposite gender. If I think I am a dog and put on a dog mask, that doesn’t make me a dog and give me the right to walk around without any clothes and defecate in the street.
This following post from World Net Daily, in a satirical way points out the ridiculousness of what happens when people are allowed to “self-identify” based on their imagination and everyone around them has to “tolerate” it: http://www.wnd.com/2016/05/forget-trans-bathrooms-now-you-can-choose-to-be-a-dog/. Look people, that’s why we have theater and stages, to play our fantasies where real people don’t get hurt. But the fantasy is no fun anymore, when I go out into the street thinking I am a man eating lion and you are dinner. Liberals, think they can set “line in the sand” of morality but this is a fantasy too. There is only One moral standard and that is God’s standard. Any deviation from His standard brings certain judgment and destruction. Of course, God is loving and patient so He gives people time to repent of their sin and come to Christ so they don’t die in their sin. But when the level of sin and insidiousness in a nation reaches a point of unrestrained chaos and pride, God has steps in, as He has so many times in the past, like during Noah’s time when He brought the flood, and Lot’s time when He rained down fire and brimstone and when He drove out the evil Canaanite nations before the Jews.
A Christian response to government “forced” Transgender Bathrooms:
Frank Turek explains the issue for a Christian Apologetic viewpoint:
Tomi Lahren from the Blaze explains the issue is really about the Executive branch trampling over States rights and Congress!
For this reason it is only logical and reasonable for men to use the men’s bathroom and for women to use the woman’s bathroom. However, to a man who wants to be “associated and accepted” as a woman this is a big slap in his face. And to make matter worse, the Supreme Court has overruled the Supreme Creator and told men they have the legal right to be women. So now the fallout from this decision is being played out in your neighborhood because the right for a man to be a woman is being infringed on when he wants to use the bathroom. Who’s right is more important? The woman who wants to go to the woman’s bathroom with the peace of mind that she will not be seen by a man or see a man’s penis? Or the man who wants to go to the woman’s bathroom so he can identify as a woman? But like I said, this issue is deeper than a social construct of bathroom use Self identifying as something other than what God created you to be is sin that brings death and destruction.
Actually, a simple way to solve the transgender bathroom usage issue is to pass a law that makes everyone have to walk around naked in the streets. With this law in place the transgender controversy would cease to exist because a transgender status is mentally derived and affirmed by dressing differently than their God given biological sex. Without clothes on, it will make no difference what gender you claim to be, simply because no one will care any more what you do or where you use the bathroom. The damage of decency and privacy will be broken as soon as you leave your house, not when you enter the bathroom of your choice. But, I use this example to exaggerate where this crazy train of sin is taking us … straight to hell. As far as nudity is concerned, God is not ashamed of our bodies for we are made in His image but since we are marred with sin, we must be covered to keep our sinful mind from being overwhelmed with sinful thoughts that are aroused because of nudity. Nudity is a privilege toe be enjoyed between a married couple, one man and one woman!
NBA Commish Will Pull All-Star Game If North Carolina Won’t Allow Men In The Ladies Room
And now rock stars won’t perform in North Carolina because HB2 violates their conscience since of right and wrong and the NBA won’t play an All-Star game in N.C. because men are not allowed in the ladies room and Business like PayPal won’t locate here because they say that the N.C law violates their sense of conscience wrong against humanity, even though PayPal does business in countries that kill people who are Homosexual. And are these groups being sued because they deny their service to others due to their conscientious objection? No, but why not? The baker who denied his service to make a wedding cake for a male couple because it violates his Christian conscience of right and wrong is sued and has to pay an enormous penalty or go to jail. Where’s the justice? Who will expose the hypocrisy of those who side with sin? Who’s conscience of right and wrong is more accurate and needs to be enforced? Those who side with the sin of the LGBT agenda? or those who side with the “Truth” of Christ?
Unfortunately, we are witnessing the moral putrefaction of America right before our eyes. This is not an issue of sharing men’s and women’s “bathroom” for efficiency sake. This is done all the time on fair grounds where bathrooms are shared but the enclosure only fits “one” person which guarantees that person’s privacy regardless of their gender. And the issue is not so much about “bathroom” privacy, since as far as I know ladies rooms have toilet stalls with doors but separating men and woman according to their gender has more to do with issues of protecting people from indecent nudity as a result of sharing dressing rooms and showers. As I said before it is illegal for a man to expose himself to a woman so it doesn’t even make sense to allow men to be put into a situation where they could break this law. Of course, there are places that allow public nudity and I wonder if they share bathrooms and showers at these places?
The root issue of HB2 is to protect the law of public gender nudity and decency. Which by the way, that issue was decided by God in the garden of Eden, when He covered Adam and Eve in the skin of an animal that He killed to atone for their sin. The naked body is not indecent for it was created by God and He has taken this body to wear for all eternity. The problem is that in our sinful state, the naked body is reserved for the marriage bed and the union between one man and one woman. I don’t fully understand this privilege and covenant with God but none the less, this is God design while we are in our earthly bodies. In Heaven, I do not know what our resurrected bodies will be able to do but I know in every way our resurrected body will be better … including the experience of sexual pleasure.
Man wants to redefine the morality given by God but it cannot be done without destroying society. America is at a tipping point of a moral crisis. If America does not repent and return to the morality of God, then God is going to return and remove the immorality of America.
If this where a ballgame, I’d say we are in the bottom of ninth with 2 outs, no one on base and the score is
sin = 99
righteousness = 0
… but look who is getting ready to step up to the plate … God!
+8^) Rogersings