For those who a familiar with the saying that history repeats itself, the mindset of man and judgement of God that occurred at Babel is a historical event that we are seeing repeated right before our eyes today. And the man, Nimrod (Genesis 10:8-9), who lead men to rebel and build the first tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9) foreshadowed the man, the Antichrist (Revelation 6:2), who will build the new tower of Babel … the new World Order. (Revelation 13:1-8).
- During the time of the Old Testament, a persons name describes the most prominent characteristic of that person. “Nimrod” means “the Rebel,” and the one of the titles of the Antichrist that is found in 2 Thessalonians 2:8 is “The Lawless One”
- Nimrod was a mighty hunter “of men” before the Lord and the Antichrist is first heard of when he comes onto the scene riding a white horse conquering nations.
- Nimrod is the leader who unites the people to build the tower of Babel in defiance of God and make a name for themselves and the Antichrist is the leader who unites the people through humanism to build a new tower of Babel, the New World Order, a world that doesn’t need God
- Both Nimrod and the Antichrist are Kings over all the earth, Nimrod’s headquarters is in Babylon and the Antichrist’s headquarters are in Mystery Babylon
- Both Nimrod and the Antichrist are prideful and they exalt themselves as a god who rules the world as a divine being
and on her forehead a name was written, a mystery, “BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. – Revelation 17:5
Note, Babylon (Babel) is really the code name for the city of Satan while Jerusalem (Salem) is the code name for the city of God. Nimrod was the first one to built Babylon and the Antichrist will be the last one to rebuild it (Revelation 17:5). Babylon represents a “religion” based on man’s works in order for man to be approved so he can live in Heaven and sit on the throne of God. While Jerusalem represents a “relationship” of Christ’s work in order for man to be redeemed so he may live eternally with God and worship in Heaven at the throne of God. Babylon represents man building something “up” in order to get to God (by a stairway to heaven) while Jerusalem represent God coming “down” in order that man can be saved by God (by a cross on Calvary). Even the new Jerusalem is seen coming down from Heaven prepared as a bride adorned for her husband (Revelation 21:21). Man strives in the world in order to find his potential, his “self actualization” and build things up for his own glory and pride on earth, while God gives grace to man in order that man will overcome the world and “glory in the cross of Christ”. A Christian finds his true identity in Christ and boasts of what Christ has for him and thru him. “Jesus paid it all, all to Him I owe.”
Originally Babel meant “the gate of God” but later it was known as “Confusion“ when God came down and made different tribes of people by giving each tribe a different language and scattered the tribes across the earth. Satan of course was behind the scenes motivating Nimrod and the people to build the tower of Babel in defiance of God, while Noah made an altar to give a sacrifice and thanksgiving to God in obedience. It was not the tower that threatened God, for it was built of mud bricks and slime. But the threat was that the people were so caught up and busy in working to build the tower and taking pride in their own accomplishments, that it blinded them to their need of God’s grace. The threat was that the people would harden their heart to the point where they did not recognize they were sinners who were dying in their sin, separated from the saving love of God. And this same mentality of pride and defiance that motivated men to built Babel is present and growing in the world today.
Note, God reversed the curse of Babel at Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit indwelt the people that were praying to God and gave them the supernatural ability to speak in a known language that they themselves didn’t know but others listening did know (Acts 2:1-4). This is God’s way of providing peace and unity, by being “born again” by the Holy Spirit of God and then having the Holy Spirit of God “in” you, giving you peace and unity with God so you can “maintain” peace and unity with others. Peace and unity “in” Christ gives God the glory. But man’s way of providing peace and unity is to “manufacture“ a consensus of rules among men that guarantee peace and unity, giving man the glory. The question is “who has authority to rule over life and grant peace and unity?” Than answer is clear … it is the giver of life that is the true giver of peace and unity and the giver of life is God, not man.
But unfortunately, this fact doesn’t slow down those who are lost in their sin and madly pursuing their dream of a utopia without God, a New World Order. And the manufactured technology of today flames the sin of man and deceives man into thinking he can manufacture peace and happiness. For instance technology is being used today to “reverse the curse” of Babel. Many web sites, including this one, make it easy to pick your language and read the information in your native tongue. And there are “apps” that can be put on a smart phone so you can speak a phrase into the phone in one language and have the phrase played back in another language of your choosing. Note, it is not against God’s will for people to communicate with one another through understanding each other’s language. On the contrary, this has been a major effort of Christians through the ages to translate the Bible into the native language of a people group so they can understand the word of God and be saved from their sin. What is against God’s will is when people communicate with one together to exalt themselves over God.
Some Christians blame the church for allowing the liberal leaders in America to remove God from the public spaces, especially the schools. Therefore, these Christians are getting involved in politics thinking they can reverse the damage done over the last 100 years to remove God from America by revoking the laws on abortion and same sex marriage. Some think that with enough prayer that God will cause another Great Awakening in America and though nothing is impossible with God, I think that for the most part the Church of America is lukewarm and deceived, plus I think the man in America can no longer hear the voice of God calling him to “REPENT” over the noise of man’s technology and tools banging and rebuilding the tower of Babel. Don’t misunderstand me, God is still saving people today and performing miracles but I think He is working the miracle of salvation more on a “one on one” bases between one believer and one unbeliever, in America. However, in regions hostile to the gospel I have heard that people are having visions and dreams of Jesus visiting them and inviting them to be saved! My point is that it is much, much more difficult to reach someone for Christ today because the deception and distractions in the world today have gone viral, making the truth of God’s salvation and judgment seem out dated and irrelevant.
And like I said, this is the age of the Laodicean Church that is rich in money and apathetic toward God (Revelation 3:14-22), unconcerned about sin, much like during the time of Noah. But this is an overall picture of what most large denominational churches look like today, not something that characterizes every church today. In my opinion, I think there are some Churches that are rich in good Christian teaching, due to Apologetics, more so than ever before in history. And some Churches that are “on fire” for the Lord. And one reason is because the technology that distracts the world is being used by Godly men and women to draw close to God, serve Him and anticipate His coming! I think there is a growing divide between those who are growing rich in the knowledge of Christ and those who are growing deceived by the knowledge of the world. I wrote about this increased polarization between believers and the world in this article (click here). Those in the world are digging in their heels and have reached a point of “no reconciliation with God”, which is bringing the judgment of God upon the world and the return of Christ to reign and rule over the world.
Yes, there have been cycles of prosperity and repentance among cities and the rise and fall of nations throughout history as each nation turned to God and/or was used by God then turned from God or abused the power God gave them. But the world is no longer cities and nations that can be judged by God individually, it is a One World United Nations, a one tongue abomination. As such, God has to deal with judging the entire world as He did during Noah’s time and Nimrod’s time.
Initially, God blessed Noah and told his family to multiply and fill the earth Genesis (Genesis 9:1). And Noah’s descendants did multiply but as they grew in number but they did not want to venture away from one another as God had asked them to do (Genesis 11:4). God’s plan was that the people would be separated into groups (nations) where they would be dependent on God to tell them where to go and what to do in order to live and thrive but man’s sinful nature causes man to want to make a name for themselves and say “I did it my way independent from God”. Man’s way is not easier or better way because the building of the tower was extremely difficult work, probably causing many to die during the process. More importantly, without God, we have no hope beyond this world. It was a shear act of defiance toward God, the very God that they knew saved Noah and his family from the judgement of the flood.
But like today, the people didn’t want to worship God and depend on God to give them the best in life instead they wanted to worship Nimrod and believe that his promises were better than God’s. And this is the insanity that is in the world today and will lead people to worship the Antichrist when he shows up on the world stage. Most people will cheer the Antichrist, believe his lies and gladly take his mark but not everyone will be deceived during the tribulation period. But praise the Lord, Some will come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ and suffer death for refusing to take the mark of the Beast.
I think the way the society of the world has changed from an Agricultural society to a Information Society also has had a profound effect on man … for the worse. Machines and technology give man more free time to indulge in his self indulgent nature “sin” and thus remain captive to his sin. Here is my brief analysis of the issue:
Agricultural Society and a God Mindset (4,000 BC to 1760) – This is the period when people are connected to the field and dependent on “God” to water the field and give birth to their live stock so they will have food to eat. Note, most people during this time did not worship the true God of the Bible, but they did believe in a God who had dominion over the world and and over their life. Without the distractions of automobiles and the Internet, it would have been a time to know nature and live off the land, to look up in a dark night and see a bright sky full of stars, to walk miles for several days in order to visit someone and it would have been a time to quietly sit and hear the voice of God. It would have also have been a time when work was hard and death came early and often (at least after the flood). Some people think someone like Enoch would have been bored and ignorant, living for 365 years on earth with no Ipad to occupy his mind. But I think just the opposite was true because it says that “Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him” -Genesis 5:22. Can you image the wonderful fellowship that Enoch knew? Probably one day the Lord said, “Enoch, We have walked a long way today and we are closer now to my home than to yours. Why don’t you just come home with me?”.
Industrial Society (1760 – 1960) – This is the period when people are connected to machines and start to become less dependent on God for their daily needs. This is the start down the slippery slow, away from dependence on God and more dependent on something that man makes. A tractor can provide enough food for a city and the city is run by machinery (lights, mills, factories) and the people in the city make the tractor that is used in the fields to provide their food. Note, the machines themselves are not bad, in fact the printing press was used to spread God’s word to the masses and bring society out of the Dark Ages where priest ruled the world by the traditions of men. Machines that provide clean water and pump oxygen to sustain life are good. It is not the machine that is evil but the love of the machine over the love of God which is evil.
Secular Mindset (1859 – to the present) – This is the mindset that claims that God is not important or does not exist. Man because of his sin nature has always rebelled against God but in 1859 when Darwin published his book “Origin of the Species”, the rebellion took on a cloak of intellectual snobbery, claiming that the theory of evolution was a “scientific” finding. However, today the empirical evidence overwhelming shows that evolution is a “fairy tale”. There is no “science” or truth to evolution. It is a lie that persists in order to keep people captive to sin and usher in the New World Order of sin, where the scientist are the priest of the New Dark Ages.
Information Society (1960 – to the present) – This is the period when people are connected to one another by electronic digital devices and dependent on “cloud computing” for their needs. People no longer have any need of God to provide for their needs, they just plug into Big Brother or Big Bank to help them. If they are broke or homeless they get help from the government, if they are sick and dying they go to the Hospital, if they are guilty of crime they go get a good lawyer, if they are corrupt and bankrupt they get a bailout. The flood of information into the world has polluted the field of knowledge and wisdom in the world and displaced the truth. Today there is no absolute truth and everyone does what is right in their own eyes. This has lead to the retirement/entitlement mentality which says “who cares about God when you have money in the bank or a check from the government?”
Delusional Mindset (1870 – the present) – This is the mindset that claims that man is god. This mindset has bloomed primarily from the teaching of modern Psychology which claims that man is all there is there is in the world and the answers you seek to life are within yourself. Modern Psychology is the corrupted teaching concerning man that was spawned from Darwin corrupted teaching of the creation of man. Psychology teaches that man just needs to find his purpose and satisfaction by following his heart. This teaching is in direct contradiction to the Bible and keeps people lost in their sin, pursuing happiness instead of holiness. The Psychologist are the other branch of priest in the New Dark Ages, which work along side the scientist to keep people lost in their sin. The teaching of the world is in direct opposition to the teaching of the God which states that the heart is wicked and deceitful, lost in sin (Jeremiah 17:9). The Bible teaches that you must trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding (Proverbs 3:5).
Here’s a good video about Mystery Babylon by Joel Richardson, Mecca, Saudi Arabia IRREFUTABLE PROOF:
This video does a good job giving the history of false gods through the ages which manifest in the form of Islam and lead to Chrislam the final world religion:
Here’s a good video by Amir Tsarfati that documents the history of the Iluminate from Adam and Eve to Nimrod to it’s presence today:
When you study Nimrod and Babel from historical documents you will discover how the teaching from the Bible concerning a Savior from God, born of a virgin, who would free man from their sin was corrupted by Satan into a teaching of a virgin who gave birth to a son to rule over earth and keep man captive in his sin. This essentially is all Satan can do, copy cat and counterfeit the truth of God in order to deceive people and keep them captive in their sin. Satan started corrupting the teaching of God concerning His promise to give birth to a Savior from a woman (Genesis 3:15), when he deceived Nimrod’s and his wife, Semiramis. The people considered Nimrod a god and Semiramis a goddess and in order for the people to win favor with them the people would sacrifice their children into fire, called the worship of “Moloh”. After Nimrod was killed by the people, Semiramis knew she had to so something miraculous or the people would kill her next. She secretly bedded with a priest and had a baby boy named Tammuz. Her explanation for how baby Tammuz came into the world was the Nimrod overshadowed her from the Spiritual realm and made her pregnant. Tammuz was therefore considered to be a god himself, a sun god, to rule over the people.
This same corrupted story concerning the virgin birth has been repeated in other cultures throughout history, with the names being changed but the ingredients of deception remaining the same. Here is a chart which shows the faces of Satan’s lie concerning the “Madonna and child” . I apologize that I haven’t spent the time to do the research and fill in all the blanks in the table below but you get the jest of the deception .
Place (Time) | Father | Mother (Queen of Heaven) |
Child | Worship | The story of the child |
Sumerian/Babylon (2167 BC) | Nimrod (Baal) | Semiramis (Ashtaroth) | Tammuz (Allah) | Moloch is child sacrifice, Asherah pole | Tammuz is god of fertility who died and was resurrected. each year in Spring the growth of new crops is attributed to him. |
Assyria | (Sin) Anu [Moon] | (Ishtar) Enlil {Earth] | (Shamash) Ea [Sun] | – | Some say Bacchus was the child |
Eqypt | – | Isis | Osiris or Horus | Winter Solace birth of miracle son | – |
India | – | Devaki (Isi) | Krishna (Iswara) | – | – |
Asia | – | Cybele | Deoius | – | – |
Greek | Hermes | Artemis (Aphrodite) | Eros | – | – |
Roman | Zeus | Diana (Venus) | Fortuna or (Cupid) | – | Some say Jupiter was the child |
Today | God | Mary | Jesus | Catholic worship of Mary, statues of the Madonna and child with Mary miraculously weeping real tears | The child of the Catholics is Jesus but they do not worship Him, instead they worship and pray to the virgin Mary, who they claim remained a virgin after Jesus’ birth, even though it is recorded that Jesus had brothers and sisters. James from the Bible is the blood brother of Jesus by Mary. The Catholic priest have instituted a false interpretation of the communion meal that Jesus asked His believers to do “in remembrance of Him.” We are suppose to remember Jesus sacrifice by taking bread and wine (His body and blood) but the Catholic priest say their hands are able to change mere bread and wine into Christ’s real body and blood, thus they kill Christ over and and over again each time they perform communion and they keep people prisoners to taking this sacrament on a regular basis or they risk looking their salvation. This is a cult mindset that is contrary to the truth of the Bible and the sufficiency of Christ’s sacrifice! SALVATION IS NOT BASED ON THE WORKS OF MAN – Ephesians 2:8-9.. |
Satan also corrupted the teaching of the 12 signs and constellations in the cosmos that tell of the virgin birth of Christ into a false teaching of divination and mind control called Astrology. And Satan will create a counterfeit trinity during the tribulation period with Satan – who gives his power to the Antichrist (as the Father), the Antichrist – who is mortally wounded and miraculously resurrected (as the Son) and the False Prophet – who directs worship to the Son (as the Holy Spirit).
+8^) Rogersings