With all the evil in the world and all the evil people in the world it has taken me a while to comprehend that according to the President Obummer, the Liberals, most rich celebrates and Black Lies Matter, the #1 enemy in the world is not Islamic Terrorist who want to kill us, Crazy Dictators that want to kill us, Drug peddling gangsters that want to kill us or self entitled free loaders who want to kill the wealth of American and kill the free enterprise system that made the wealth but the #1 enemy in the world is the quiet Hard Working Middle Class White Guy (HWMCWG)! If he has a college education this white guy is a double threat, if he is the family leader he is a triple threat, if he is a moral leader in his community he is a quadruple threat and if he is a born again Christian … then he is a nuclear threat!
I realize with all the confusion and discontented voices in America it is hard to sympathize with the plight of the HWMCWG, since most of these guys have good jobs and a good standard of living. Also, I have to admit for most of the history of America, the rules of the playing field unfairly favored the HWMCWG and these rules needed to be corrected to allow equal civil rights and equal education and equal employment for all all Americans, regardless of color, creed, religion or sex (male or female). Thank goodness the Civil Rights act of 1964 did just that! It leveled the playing field and made it a crime to practice a prejudice in the market place based on skin color, sex (male or female), religious belief or your culture. Therefore, according to the law, in America, people have the right call someone out and have them prosecuted if they are discriminated against. But then again, why would you want to stop playing a victim of discrimination when the Democrats give “free stuff” if you play the fool and believe in their white lies that matter.
I think the reason that the HWMCWG are mistaken as an enemy of the State is because people can’t see the “forest because of the trees.” What I mean by this is that there is a group of “White Guys” that are a real major enemies to America and the world but they are not the Working Middle Class White Guys, they are the Self Entitled Rich Illuminated White Guys (SERIWG). These are the elite men who formed the Federal Reserve in order to stay rich and keep America in debt. These are the guys who continue to secretly meet and figure ways to keep America in debt … to them. These are the guys who run the Illuminate and Masons. They draw attention to “man’s good works” in order to keep men busy building a New World Order, ultimately serving Satan instead of saving souls for Jesus Christ. These are guys with “big” money who buy someone like Obama in order to instigate an agenda of socialism for America, with them in political power and control.
So you see the SERIWG want power and control. They want the ability to call the shots and decide who wins and who looses … and have a front row seat to the watch the chaos they cause. Some SERIWG operate from the political “right” wing and provide welfare for the rich, with government laws and bailout’s for their Big Business friends. And some SERIWG operate from the political “left” wing, promising gullible Americans “free” government handouts in order that they can stay in political power and live a big life, listening to their irritating voices spew out empty promises like “head banging rock stars on a stage”.
But don’t confuse the HWMCWG with the SERIWG just because both groups are “white guys”. For that matter there are some hard working “rich” white guys that earn their money and provide jobs to a lot of hard working people. Rich people who use their riches to employee people to work or educate and train people to get a job are not the problem. It is the “rich” that use their money to “buy” power and keep others from becoming rich that are the problem children of the world. And worse yet, you really can’t expose them and eliminate them because they are too pervasive in society. I mean you are talking about people who were able to kill President Kennedy and get away with it without be prosecuted. And why did SERIWG want to kill president Kennedy? because he was going to eliminate the Federal Reserve. Oh, by the way, Abraham Lincoln was planning to do they same thing and he was assassinated too.
No, these are not conspiracy theories, they are conspiracy facts. Do you own research but don’t be surprised when you discover the truth.
So what’s a person do to … hide in the Ozark mountains away from the world. Well, at times that does sound like a nice idea but no, a born again Christian is to serve God amid the messes and deception of the world. We are not to be ignorant of the schemes of Satan and power hungry men but we can’t become “undone” trying to expose every evil intent. This is really God’s job, since he knows the heart’s intent. We are to demonstrate good moral conduct and hold other accountable for the same. We are to be hard working, giving our works and glory to God our creator and helping our neighbors. And we are to share the love of Jesus by making the good news of salvation in Jesus know to others to they may obtain eternal life.
Jesus said, you will always have the poor among you that will need your help and we will always have power hungry people who we need expose and bring to justice. Power hungry people are trying to deceive us into building a New World Order for Satan’s glory. But Jesus said my Kingdom is not of this world (John 18:36). Jesus is building a Kingdom in Heaven of living stones, which represent lives of faith in Him for God’s glory. A Christian’s primary citizenship is in Heaven where he will live eternally, our citizenship on earth is only temporary.
“Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added onto you”. Matthew 6:33
– Rogersings