
No, I’m not crazy … I’m “praisey” for Jesus. I am praising Jesus because He is getting ready to rescue me from this crazy world. Jesus is going to Rapture those who believe in Him from this world before the crazy things going on in this world become too crazy!
Each day the headlines are more disturbing, wicked, depressing and crazy. I read stories about a dangerous and elusive virus that magically disappears, like a Leprechaun, when people riot in the streets to destroy businesses but magically reappears like a bad penny if people walk on the streets to support businesses. It’s a virus so strange in it’s behavior that a mask which allows air to flow through it can stop the microscopic virus particle that’s much smaller than the holes in the mask material … just like a chain link fence stops mosquitoes from getting into your yard.
Warning, in this article I frequently use the humor of sarcasm to expose evil so you may be offended if you have a “log in your eye” to this method of truth telling.
Yes, it’s a crazy world but luckily we have the “Minister of Gibberish” – Mad Dr And-he’s-a-Nazi, the “Priest of Pseudo Science” – Billy Goat Gates of Hell and the propaganda of the “Crap News Network” – CNN to guide us through the Enchanted Forest of 2020 toward the “Global New World Normal“.
Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. – Colossians 3:1-2
Have you ever wondered why the world is being run by a bunch of senile old man, narcissistic nerds and talking puppet heads who spew fear, disinformation and BS all day long? Well, it’s because we are at war! World World III has been brewing for a long time and it officially began with the announcement of the Corona virus in China. This war is not being fought with bombs and bullet holes bleeding but it’s being fought with bologna and bull crap repeating. This war is being fought in the minds of people to cause them to exist in a permanent state of fear, anxiety and despair so they will be looking someone (the Antichrist) to come and cure the problems on this earth by establishing a “New World Normal” instead of looking for Salvation in Jesus to cure the sin of the human heart and prepare them for the “New Heaven and Earth“.
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. – Romans 12:2
Remember when the insurance company AIG was “too big to fail” following the money grab and Wall Street Debacle of 2008, so the American tax payer had to bail out the “rich” with $180 BILLION dollars in wealth transfer! Well this Corona virus “lie” is too big to fail … the Nefarious Ones have put all their weight and wicked eggs into the Corona virus basket. The Nefarious Ones think that the Corona virus lie is too big do fail, yet it will fail to convince the minds of those who can see through this charade and if people repent, they too will be awakened to Godly truth that will expose the Technocrats and their Technocratic agenda or as I call it the “Techno-crazy” agenda. But if people continue to believe in the “flawed and fake Medical Science” concerning viruses and vaccines and they trust Technology to fix all the woes and worries of this life, including their immune system then they will remain duped to the plans of the enemy and they will continue to walk “lockstep” toward the tyranny of the Tribulation.
Even worse, if people are deceived by the fake promises of Technology to offer a good life on earth and an eternal life on earth through AI control and DNA modification through the Mark of the Beast then they will walk “lockstep” with Satan right into the Lake of Fire.
In other word, the virus/vaccine theory is false, just like the theory of Evolution is false but The Priest of Pseudo Science, Billy Goat Gates of Hell (and the Nefarious Ones that back him) have invested all their mammon with all their might to perpetuate this lie and they have hitched their wicked wagon of eugenics to the false science of vaccines in order to corral the cattle (we the people – the “useless eaters” breathing their air and taking up space on “their”) into the stockade for slaughter! Gates smiles when he talks about how he is reducing the population because he knows this pleases his father … no, I’m not talking about the devil but Willy “Kill You” Gates of Hell Senior!
Billy Goat Jr. is just following in the legacy of his father who was a leader in the “Eugenics Movement” of the 1930’s and 40’s, along with Margaret Sanger but after the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust the “Eugenics Movement” changed their name to “Planned Parenthood“. The agenda of Planned Parenthood is still the same … some genetics are better than other … some people like Gates of Hell are worthy to procreate and some people, especially those of color, are “useless eaters” that need to be sterilized though vaccination. To read about sad history of eugenics in America (click here) or (click here).
In a sense Gates “owns” the WHO, the CDC, the Medical Universities, the Hospitals, the Medical Insurance Companies and the Big Pharma companies that perpetuate the lie of virus theory, design the virus tests, report the virus test results and develop the vaccines for viruses. Unfortunately, we the general public, do not have access to the medical equipment (like the labs that do DNA sequencing and virus testing) to refute their claim and since we are not “accredited” by their Medical fraternity of lies, our voice is considered conspiracy and foolishness. Essentially, the scientists of “Evolution Physics, Psychology and Pharmacology” are the priest of the New World Order … and if you challenge them it is considered heresy to their faith, and like the priest of the mid-evil Roman Catholic Church those who challenge the religion of the New World Order Church will be prosecuted! Yes, there are doctors who are trying to sound the alarm but if they are too vocal in the way they challenge the Deep State Medical establishment they are dis-barred from practicing medicine.
The Nefarious Ones are using a fake virus to mandate a fake vaccine in order to implement real total control over our lives! And it is highly likely that “dissenting narratives” to the Deep State approved narrative concerning viruses and vaccines (such as this article) will soon be “purged” from the Internet.
The lie of the 9/11 terrorist attack was the lie of the century but it pales in comparison to the Corona virus lie … in fact the virus lie is the biggest lie since Satan lied to Adam and Eve in the Garden … Satan lied and said “you surely will not die” if you eat the forbidden fruit (Genesis 3:4). However, Satan’s lie this time is the exact opposite … “you surely will die” if you don’t wear a mask and if you don’t get a vaccinated even though there is clear scientific evidence that wearing a mask actually causes sickness and does nothing to stop a microscope particle like a virus from entering your mouth.
The purpose of this plan-demonic is to first “mask” our identity as people with free wills and make us believe we are nothing more than animals that need to be controlled. The next step is to vaccinate us, test us, track us and control us like animals. The last step is to convince us we are nothing more than animals and convince us to worship the “Beast” Government. This is the purpose of Satan, to change our identity to be like his identity, a sneaky slithering lying snake like animal who hates God. But we are created by God with a free will … that allows us to be born again of God, receive the love of God and faithfully follow God and do His will (which by this we receive God’s blessings and rewards) and if we disobey God, then we are judged by God. But if we resign or sign over our free will to man’s control then we experience not only the wrath of God but also the wrath of man and Satan.
This is also why the Globalist want to implement a communist form of government … it’s part of the plan-demonic to make us think we all the same in our talents and purpose and that we are accountable to Government and not to God for how we use our talents for “their” purpose. This mask wearing mandate may seem like a trivial issue, like deciding to wear socks or not wear socks with shoes but the purpose and goal of mask wearing is to strip your identify and make you more dependent and obedience to a Government that is no longer looking out for your welfare but wants to destroy your very soul! The body is a temple for God’s presence … and a believer is suppose to shine the light of Christ into the world but how can you shine this light when you cover it up with a mask? And how can you freely go and share the good news of Jesus Christ if you are told where you can and cannot go and if you told what you can and cannot say!
The end goal of Satan is to take the worship and free will of man that is due to God alone and redirect man’s will to live in hate and fear of one another and to convince man to worship Satan (the Beast Government) for the privilege to breathe!
We are conditioned to believe that our Government leaders are looking out for our best interests … and there have been good leaders who tried to do good but if the good leader gets to close to exposing the evil ones or eliminating their influence they are taken out … like president Robert F Kennedy was taken out (click here for a short video on Secret Societies of the NWO including Epestien). I think there are plenty of good people in the rank and file government workers but it’s the one with the most clout that are propped up to positions of power by the Nefarious Puppet masters who have their hands up their arse of their Puppet Mouthpieces!
Take for example the Minister of Gibberish, Dr Nazi who first says wearing a mask does not stop a virus particle, then he says a mask does stop a virus particle and then he says wearing a mask makes people feel you care about them which lets everyone know we are in this together … when will people wise up and realize we being played! I guess this virus is smart enough to detect if the wearer of a mask is sympathy toward others and if so it steers clear of the person wearing the mask … like I said we learn some new amazing gibberish about this virus every day! Also, there is clear scientific evidence that this Corona virus (the created problem) is no more lethal or different than the common cold or yearly flu but the Crap New Network (CNN) spews the lies from the Cult of Dead Cows (CDC) so the public stays worked up in a frenzy of fear, hate and discontent (the expected reaction) … not enough to cause them to wise up and rebel but just enough so the people will desire the vaccine (the pre-determined solution) which will mark and control them. This is strategy of the Hegelian dialectic (problem, reaction, solution) that the Nefarious Ones have used for centuries to shape the world and control the world for their benefit!
Are you even aware that God has promised to send a strong delusion and cause you to believe the lie if you do not love the truth? (2 Thessalonians 2:11) … Jesus is the truth (John 14:6)
There is also clear scientific evidence that flu vaccines do more harm than good but like I said Gates of Hell has bought the Medical science field of viruses and he has bought the Crap New Networks in order to silence his critics and promote his devilish plan. It’s lies, lies and more lies. The Nefarious Ones are clearly lying to us and playing a prank on us but it’s not for fun to put it on America Funnies videos (I know I am dating myself) but this charade is being perpetrated for a Nefarious purpose … to make us captive to the deception and delusion of Satan which is to steal, kill and destroy us (John 10:10).
The agenda of the Medical profession has been hijacked as a means to make money from mankind as they kill him! … first you capture the Doctors who use to “care for the patients and did not harm”, to Doctors and Pharma who fear being sued by their patients because they accidentally did harm, to Insurance Companies that set the standard for medical care and medication and tell the Doctors what to do, to Vaccines Doctors that can’t be sued, to DNA modification Doctors that could actually work if the vaccines were safe – to the Mark of the Beast that will kill your soul!
God warned Adam and Eve in the garden not to eat of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil … yet they fell for the deception of Satan and we inherited their fallen sin nature. And the deception that man can get along and build a good world with his own knowledge apart from a relationship with God is still the lie that Satan whispers to the world today. This is the lie of “humanism” and it’s from the Pit of Hell. This is the Gibberish of the world but we should not adapt our minds to accept this worldly Gibberish but we should renew our mind with the unchanging truth of God’s word.
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. – John 14:6
Here is some Gibberish from the minister of Gibberish … “you need to be tested to see if you are sick“. Say what? You mean I can no longer tell if I’m sick! Well, perhaps the minister of Gibberish also needs to test me and tell me if I need to eat or if I need to sleep or if I need to go to the bathroom! Good grief, how has any human life existed on planet earth for these last 6,000 years without the pointless pontification from the Lord of Lunacy.
Can’t you see that we are not under a pandemic but we are under a wicked “plan-demic” and the evil spell of a “plan-demonic“, a contrived simulation by Nefarious actors to see how we will respond to their ridiculous demands. In essence this is a test for the coming NWO … to determine who will comply and who will die! The virus or sickness is real but it’s no more deadly than the yearly flu and can be treated by well tested medication and methods. In fact there is even good evidence that all flu type retro viruses are not spread by the microscopic particles that are produced in the body and expelled by the body but “flu type sickness” is a response of your body’s immune system from a build up of toxins (like cigarette smoke, vaccines, sugar, metals, drugs …), mold, radiation, stress and Spiritual attacks and our body’s immune system exudes “exosomes” (through coughing and sneezing mucus) as it rids our body of sickness.
Your body is designed to generate antibodies to fight the sickness it encounters and therefore the best things you can do for your health is to boost your immune system but eating right (avoid processed food and sugar drinks), exercise (some), get some sun (might help to take vitamin C&D), sleep (some) and trust Jesus (always). The science of vaccines is flawed, vaccines do more harm to your body than good because of the deadly concoctions that they shoot into your veins. It highly likely that Serialization, Autism and Alzheimer are primarily caused by vaccines! The COV-ID vaccine will be a “Certificate of Vaccination – ID” used to track those who are compliant to the government and those who are defiant to the government! From your Certificate of Birth to your Certificate of Death the Government wants you to think you are “certified” .. that you must fear your thoughts, fear yourself, fear others and fear your environment but you should trust the Government who has certified your existence and will tell you how to live.
Obummer said … “you didn’t build that”, which to a degree is true, in the sense that your success is built on the framework of a free enterprise system that is regulated for fairness by the Government. Yet, his subtle and deceiving tongue was not trying to make you think you should be appreciative of a good Government, that we the people created but that you should be “indebted” to the Government and to him personally for the Government he wanted to create. Obummer spins a narrative to make you think the Government knows what is right more than you do so you need to bow to the Government but the American Government was created “by the people – for the people”. The American Government is created to work for the people, however our American form of Government, our freedoms and success, only works if “we the people in America and our leaders” are morally righteous and morally constrained by God. Our “liberty and justice for all” is only granted to a people who are “ONE NATION UNDER GOD”, who willingly, without coercion, vote for what is right and do what is right otherwise we will vote for self serving interests and we will accumulate money out of greed and spend it recklessly … leading to anarchy … need I say more.
We have met the enemy and it is us! We are born slaves to our destructive Self Indulgent Nature (SIN)! Only by being “born again” in Christ and walking in the Spirit of Christ can the SIN nature be conquered, controlled and lead a person to eternal life.
The purpose of the vaccine is not to prevent you from getting the Corona virus, because like I said this a retro virus that mutates like a cold and flu so a vaccine cannot be made to prevent the next strain (this is what God designed our body to do … figure out what is making us sick and fight it off). The purpose of the vaccine is for the Government to issue you a “COV-ID” that indicates you are a “compliant” citizen. You can show your COV-ID at business so you can buy, sell and travel. Eventually, it will leave a mark that can be scanned as you enter a store and it will be ultimately be enhanced so it can read your “vital signs” and transmit them electronically to the “AI – Death Star Control Center” so you are constantly monitored, traced and automatically tortured … I mean socially stimulated to do the “right” thing according to the laws of the New World Normal.
I don’t think this vaccine is the Mark of the Best at this time but eventually, sometime around the mid-way point of the 7 year Tribulation period a vaccine will be offered that is the Mark of the Beast and those who willing take it will agree to worship the Beast and forfeit their soul to him, changing their very DNA into a “hybrid creature” so they cannot physically die by natural means, yet they will die forever with Satan in the Lake of Fire! You see, the humanistic plan for humanity is not human at all.
Isn’t it ironic that today we are being told to submit to the Government and wear a mask … and where do people submit to the government and wear a mask … oh yeah under Islam! When the “911” plan-demonic was unleashed by the Nefarious Ones on America, it’s purpose was to establish a Department of Homeland Security to monitor air travel … but ultimately the purpose was to use this agency to test, trace and control our every movement … that’s where we are now! The fake 911 Terrorist attack also allowed “Baby Bush” an excuse to satisfy the desire of “Daddy Bush” who was stopped short of his goal to destroy Saddam Hussein during Desert Storm war. And by the way, Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction and had nothing to do with 9/11 attack … which in fact was done by the Deep State (mainly the CIA). And this action by the Deep State wasn’t done to defeat Islam but to bring Islam under the control of the Global NWO, in essence to “marry it” to the Vatican and make the One World Religion … Chrislam.
Don’t you see, America was conquered on 9/11/2001 by the Muslim agenda of the Deep State and we now wear masks to indicate that we “submit” to the Allah Global Government run by Dr Nazi and Gates of Hell. I think the “One World Trade Center” was built over the ruins of the Twin Towers as a message that the male/female identity that God created for man has been destroyed and people are now united as “one”, but not like the two become one in marriage but the message is that our gender identity has been destroyed we are no longer male and female as ordained by God but we can be what ever we want to be in the NWO under the “new” Tower of Babel.
And don’t you think it’s even more ironic that this new Tower of Babel is a Muslim Mosque because it has a Muslim “spire/minaret” on top of it (click here). The spire is a symbol of Muslim conquest that the Muslims erect over the ruins of what they have conquered in Allah’s name. Wake up people … come out of this world … believe in Jesus!
A “mask” is what a person wears at a masquerade party in order to pretend to be someone else, like an actor on a stage. That’s why a bank robber wears a masks … in order to hide his identity and cover up his evil deeds but you can’t hide behind a mask to hide your SIN identity from God. And guess who else were as mask … it’s Satan “he masquerades as an angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14) … he has no real light of truth only the false promise of enlightenment of knowledge that ultimately leads to death! Jesus tore the veil of the Holy of Hollies when he said “it it finished” on the cross (Matthew 27:51). Jesus wants people to come into the presence of God into the “Holy Place of God” into the very throne room of where God’s power and glory dwells and this can be done simply by believing in the finished work of Jesus Christ, His death, burial and resurrection. We cannot hid the nakedness of our sin from God with fig leafs or with a mask over our face … Jesus is the robe of righteousness that covers our sin and restores our relationship with God.
Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. – Psalm 16:11
Why is the mask wearing farce allowed to persist? Why don’t people, especially doctors stand up and declare that masks do not prevent the spread of a virus? It’s because doctors who pledge to do no harm, have, over the years, had to seek shelter in an Insurance System and Medical Practice System and Big Pharma System to protect themselves from being sued if they do accidentally cause harm. However, these Medical “Systems” that the doctors and patients have trusted to improve our health have been systematically hijacked by the Nefarious Ones for a Nefarious agenda to do us harm! It’s a deep, deep deception that only God can deliver us from.
In essence, because we have put our hope in a “Health Care System” (not doctors) we are subject to being destroyed by Technocrats that have hijacked the system … like a terrorist who hijack a plane!
To a degree we all share in the sin of trusting men instead of God but I think the doctors bear more responsibility for not standing up against this plan-demic farce and I think the Trump administration bears responsibility because he has not replaced Dr Nazi with a doctor who could actually help the America people! Trump gives mixed signals to where his allegiance lies … he doesn’t wear a mask, yet he supports the task force that recommends we wear a mask. He says Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) works to treat the virus but he also is pressing on at “Warp Speed” to develop a vaccine that will do more harm than good to people by injecting their body with poisons (aluminum, fetal cells, animal cells) and with untested methods like RNA/DNA modification.
Click here to watch video of Silenced Frontline Doctors Hold Capitol Hill Press Conference to Challenge Big Tech
I don’t know why Trump hasn’t acted to stop this charade? Perhaps Trump fears for his life (with good reason because the Deep State killed Kennedy when he went against their agenda) or maybe he is part of the problem … a distraction to create a smoke screen of confusion which allows the agenda of the Nefarious Ones to play out and divide people over politics, race and religion instead of actually bringing any high level criminals to justice. And to be honest, I think this is God’s will at this time … that the evil in this world is exposed so people choose what/who’s side they are on. The earth is ready for the transition from the Dispensation of the Church Age into the Dispensation of the Tribulation Age … where will you be when the Trumpet of God sounds?
What is your heart’s desire?
a – to Make the World Great with American patriots lead by Trump
b – to go in the Rapture with Jesus before the coming Tribulation
c – to stay on earth during Tribulation for Rival and Survival in Jesus
d – to Make the World Great under a Global NWO Technocracy run by China and the UN
Like I said the real danger of this virus and mask wearing is not what it can do to your body but what it can do to your mind and ultimately what it can do to your eternal soul if you believe the lies we being feed. Many people are awake to the evil agenda of a One World Order that has been planned by the Deep State, Nefarious Ones, CIA, Rothschild, Freemasons, Vatican and Demonic forces and this evil agenda has been fought on the battle field and political sphere for centuries with some success to stop them but at this point in time we are fighting mere men with evil intent but we are up against a “Techno-crazy Beast powered by Artificial Intelligence based on Pseudo Science“!
This battle this time is not just to stop Socialism/Communism/Marxism from taking over America but it’s to stop Technocracy under the banner of “science” from taking over the world. Yes, many people are aware of the constant “political bull shit brainwashing” from the Lame Stream Media but they are so caught up in exposing the lies of “Democrat Crap” and “Child Sex Trafficking” to the point where they are “blind” to the bigger danger that pseudo science is perpetrating on the world by a fake virus and an unneeded vaccines. The real enemy is not high ranking Demon-rats or CIA operatives or George Soros but it’s Big Tech CEOs, Big Bankers, Big Insurance and Big Pharma. My concern is that the many good people who are fighting to Make America Great Again on the political field are ignoring the bigger threat to our freedom from Technocracy that is taking over the world.
The bottom line is that God does not want us to live in fear of one another or in fear of our surroundings. God has not given us a spirit of fear … we have rest and joy in Christ and a rich inheritance in Him, for this reason we rejoice! We are told to pray for our enemies so they may be turn from their wicked ways and be saved from their sin. Nothing is hidden from the eyes of God … all evil will be judged and paid for, either through forgiveness by faith in Jesus Christ or by in punishment in the Lake of Fire. The Nefarious Ones are really on the run from the hand of God but their running is in vain. Don’t run in fear from God or run in fear from one another or run in fear from the Nefarious ones but run to God and hide in the shelter of His loving arms.
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. – 2 Timothy 1:7
Here are a couple of videos by “an old man in a chair”, Vernon Coleman, that inspired me to write about how “Minister of Gibberish” in the UK flames on the antics of Tom Foolery being perpetrated under the Corona virus scam-demic, plan-demic … plan-demonic! Long live the old man in the chair … a voice of reason in a mad, mad world!
This video is a good summary of purpose of the plan-demonic to test, track and vaccinate the population to usher in the NWO. https://www.bitchute.com/video/SwexEwFj1VJc/
These interviews with Patrick Wood are excellent at exposing how for the last 100 years nerds have been working to implement a Technocracy rule over the world. https://www.technocracy.news/
Technocracies think the use of the resources of the earth should be determined by an AI algorithm based on the most efficient use of energy. They believe the AI algorithms used to manufacture quality items should be applied to globally to planet earth as the best way to live on the earth. To a Technocrat, a person is nothing more than an another animal – useless eater – (unless of course you are one of the elite like them) and they think people, like earth are their private property. They use surveillance cameras to trace your actions and public shaming to convict you as being a mass murderer if you don’t comply with the greater good according to Technocracy. They hate God and they hate God’s purpose for human life because it doesn’t let them be in charge of human life.
Here is a list of all the dangers that are on this earth and the things that are about to come upon this earth … plus some of my Gibberish humor!
Comment made by Darren Jardine (to above video – Virus is leading to Mark of the Beast).
These are some of my thoughts and options (I’ve had to adapt some of them since the CV19 psyop continues to disintegrate in front of our eyes over the past months, I’ve removed some info but, I’m getting/finding/new/better info all the time) that I’ve developed pre and post 911 (and NO it wasn’t 19 Saudi’s or Muslim’s) over the past decades, following some of the greatest investigative journalists, investigative researcher’ and investigative reporter’ living or dead and what’s been played out today, to trick the world in 2020.
— This plandemic is the Global Death Cult’ (the inner core of these secret societies, the Committee of 300, the 1%, the Cabal, the Elite, the Sabbatean Frankists, the Dragon’ Court, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Council of Nine, the Tavistock Institute, the Club of Rome, the Papal Roman Empire, the Illuminati, the New World Order or NWO, the Council of 12, the Bilderberg Group, the Vatican’ Knight’ of Malta, the Knight’ of the Golden Circle, the Golden Dawn, the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO), the Rosicrucians, the Opus Dei, the Jesuits and the Freemasons) wet dream.
— What we are witnessing is the birth of a totalitarian collective control grid system the likes of which could scarcely have been imagined before this plandemic panic kicked off using CV19 to roll out their long lusted plan to get people to start using the clean cashless beast system, a long-planned excuse to transform the economic system, draconian measures designed to install a Police State, rolling out of 5G masts going up while everyone is under house arrest. This whole virus plandemic panic is a psyop, to crash the economies of the world so the Global Death Cult can loot the world, while everyone is under house arrest, to scare the world’s population to get a ‘mandatory’ poison/depopulate/dumb-down society via coerced-nanotech-chipped-
— Musk, also cut from the same cloth as Gates and friends, has put with the aid of his Space X, 20 000 but, wants 42 000 5G satellites in low space orbit beaming 5G at the earth, been given permission to have one million ground-based 5G antennae in America, to create a global grid system. There has been no independent or any research is done on the dangers of 5G to the human race, that should be a concern to all of us but, even though consciousness is awakening rapidly all over the world, how come nobody is protesting about 5G. 5G can target an individual in a crowd, create flu-like symptoms or stop that person from absorbing oxygen. (MIMO/Full Duplex/Beam Forming/60GHz), which will all be attached to the 5G network resulting in behavioural even thought control by AI or others, unable to gather in numbers to protest, the Global Death Cult has the perfect weapon to make society turn on anyone who refuses to get the nanotech-chipped-vaccine.
— This Global Death Cult has no allegiance or shows no patriotism to their home countries or it’s people, they are psychopathic, sociopathic, demonic Luciferians and Satanists, so are the people running this Global Death Cult, who belong to the most exclusive secret societies, people that you’ve probably never heard of, they all serve a higher power, their ET Controllers.
— It was irrational and disproportionate to impose a lockdown on the entire world for a virus that was known to pose little risk of mortality or serious illness to the healthy working population. The calamitous damage CV19 (lockdown and fear-mongering) has caused. The damage was caused by FEAR and it’s the easiest way to control the masses. Period. Even the bible tells you not to fear. Current death-rate worldwide not even 1.5% compared to the average death-rates from average cold/flu seasons over the past 5 yrs. Children Have 0.001% Chance of Dying from COVID but are Harmed for Life by Social Distancing, Which has its Roots in CIA Torture Techniques CV19 is NOT as dangerous as the panic memes claim and the lockdown is more about social control than saving lives, if the CV19 psyop doesn’t work well enough, a new threat of an ’Alien Invasion’ will come to be so we all conform, obey and abide, especially after all the UFO footage coming out on the mainstream and with many nations’ government’ and airforce’ finally recognising the clear evidence of this phenomenon be it UFO’s or demon’s.
— These protests taking place at the moment and the CV19 psyop are all planned distractions to divide and conquer the world’s population as to what’s actually happening behind closed doors. The Global Death Cult’ is also cashing in on these planned distractions too. These protests should be about global police abuse or even the rolling out of 5G masts going up while everyone is under house arrest, not racial, the ”talking heads” are making it all about race. Just look around and see all the Brainwashed People. This is all done through TeLieVision! Stop believing the Lies from your Governments and the mainstream ’talking heads’.
— Keep in mind the “true” history is written by the victors. Those victors being the banking cartel that has been in power literally since the battle of Waterloo, everything you understand about the world today is built upon lies and deception. This ruthless power-seeking elitist group is a disease of our past centuries. This group is answerable neither to the President or Prime Minister, the Congress, nor the courts. It is practically irremovable. It’s the clearest picture yet of why the world is the way it is, and why the secrets are protected so fiercely: it may be all about supremacy. The very wealthy against you and me. This is a plan so evil, so racist, so diabolical, so huge, that it almost defies belief. But it all aligns with what many commentators, researchers and whistleblowing insiders have been identifying for some years now. The Fourth Reich is alive and well.
— Did the idiots who told the population of the world to go into lockdown not think that the birth rates would soar. The psychopathic, sociopathic, demonic Gates and friends’ eugenics dreams of culling the world’s population are in tatters lol — Apply critical thinking, do your own research, and use discernment to come to your own conclusions.
— We must stand for the potential magnificence of a united humanity that knows no racial boundaries or distinctions. We must co-create our own future, reclaim our power, and do whatever we can to alert people to the dangers around us, so that we can be stronger together, for the sake of our descendants and for the heritage of all living beings on Earth. There are many more of US than there is of THEM. Consciousness is awakening rapidly all over the world and that THESE PLANNED EVENTS ARE NOT INEVITABLE. If ever there was a reason to work closely together to raise awareness of the real threat to us all, this is it. God help us one and all and Love as if your life depended on it! (Because it does!), God bless us each and everyone who believes in our Lord Jesus Christ.
Excellent information. I choose b. Can’t wait till Jesus comes!
I have passed this on to people. I hope they will read it. It’s a lot to take in and people “just want to get back to normal”, so are resisting the truth….but that’s what will set them free.