A lie cannot compete with the truth. A lie always fails to bring peace and freedom of thought and a liar is always exposed for his lies … that is if there is someone speaking the truth and exposing lies and liars. And that my friends is what is happening today. The lying media is being exposed by conservative truth for their partisan liberal agenda to promote a Global New World Order and for their opposition to “reason and a democratic rule of law”. It’s desperate times for Islam that is being exposed for it’s totalitarian agenda to implement Sharia law over the world and for young snowflakes who want guaranteed success in life from government backed programs and for old snowflakes who want the government to give them special treatment and “entitlements” because they are a “victim of life”.
The Left hates the ideas that there are ideas that differ from theirs and they become unhinged and pitch a child like tantrum when they are confronted with the truth and challenged to defend their lies. Oh yeah and anyone who challenges their leftest agenda with Godly truth is a Nazi … just so you know.
The new anti-fascist activists or “Antifa” resisters, claim to be freedom fighters who want the government to outlaw the “hate speech” of Neo-Nazi white supremacist like the “Alt-Right”. However, the real goal of the Antifa group is to stop the discussion about the “true intentions of Islam” which is to implement Sharia law over the entire world. This is irony at it’s zenith, as those claiming to be Anti-Fascist use Fascist propaganda techniques to label those that disagree with them as “vicious haters” that must be silenced and eliminated from society. The bottom line is that Antifa resisters are resisters of the truth and their intent is to deceive people into believing that Islam is a religions of peace and Allah is a real god.
This is the last desperate attempt of a bad idea to promote itself, control speech and silence the truth. These people act like uninvited guest who have crashed a party and have no respect for the host of the party or the purpose of the party. They just want to drink up the booze, eat the food and destroy the place. Little do they realize they are being enticed to move to the balcony where they think they can spread their madness to the whole neighborhood … when suddenly unaware, the sliding door is shut behind them and they are exposed and stranded on the balcony, looking like idiots for trespassing where they should not have been!
Don’t misunderstand me, the Liberals Idiots are not going to give up because their lies have been exposed but they are going to “double down” on their desire for free stuff and this “passive party” who demands that guns be taken from others is going to “take up arms” and violently use any means to get what they want. It’s a mentality that believes that what someone else has belongs to them, unless of course it’s something that they have in which case if it’s taken from them it’s called stealing. It’s a non-logical chaotic call to remove the rule of law and order and promote a rule of a dictator who will favor them over those they don’t like … can someone say “Antichrist”. It’s a Nazi supremacy mentality and that plays out under a facade of “victim hood” but the root motive of it’s followers is “pride” in believing that “I deserve what you have … even your life” since you don’t believe like me.
It’s not “The Nazi Lying Resisters” who fight for a noble cause but it is “The Christian Restrainers” who fight for a good cause as they fight against evil and they fight against those who suppress the truth. I wrote about this age old epic battle in the article Restrainers vs Suppressors . It’s a war that started in the Garden of Eden but it’s now escalating to a nuclear level very quickly in these “last days”, to the point where Christ is coming soon to remove the Restrainers of evil by the rapture of the Church, the body of Christ, which I have strong evidence to think will occur on Rosh Hashanah this year, Sept 21 2017. Yes, and when God takes the Restrainers of evil to Heaven, evil will have it’s way … at least for a while. Most people “left behind” will embrace the lie of the Antichrist and his agenda of a Global New World Order under Sharia law … at least for the first 3 1/2 years things will go the way the Antifa-Fascist Liberals want it to go. But then the Antichrist will declare himself to be god in the temple in Jerusalem and that’s when the real God of the Bible will reign down wrath on planet earth for 3 1/2 years during the Great Tribulation!
I just saw this post on Facebook by the Trump Resistance Movement, comparing the crass comments of Trump tot the eloquent words of Obummer. You want to know who else was eloquent … yea, it was Satan in the garden of Eden, using smooth words to deceive Adam and Eve that doing what is God says is bad for them is really good. Look, Trump is a bit of an ass but I would rather have someone tell me the ugly truth and keep America safe from threats to our freedom then be deceived by a lying ass hole. Obummer sold out America and the world to Satan so that the Muslim people and Islamic agenda could migrate all over the world, and eventually dominate the world by out birthing the nations they enter. The Antichrist is known as someone with smooth and eloquent words who conquers the world by deception. This is the person these idiots are pining to rule over them with the Global New World Order. Quiet, frankly I’m growing weary of trying to witness to people of the truth of what is going on, while seeing the deception get stronger and stronger. I sense that the time is near for this sin sick world to get what they want and the Church to be raptured to Heaven!
This is not a fairy tale or something to take lightly. Now is the time to see the futility of man’s agenda to rebuild the “Tower of Babel” and see that God has a perfect plan prepared for man …. God’s will … will be done! God’s plan is to make a redeemed earth and a redeemed man on earth, both free from sin and in peace with God. But those who will be a part of this redeemed earth must “first” put their faith in God’s only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Don’t be a fool and think you know how to run the world better then the Lord who made the world and made you … this is the insanity of sin talking … don’t listen to sin … but listen to the still small voice of reason from God that is calling you to repentance from sin and salvation through grace by faith in Jesus Christ.
The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance. – 2 Peter 3:9
My prayer is like God’s desire that people should repent of their sinful rebellious ways and call upon the Lord for salvation from sin but unfortunately most people because of “pride” prefer to die by their “self indulgent nature” … sin. Lord come quickly, your bride is anxiously waiting for You!
– Rogersings +8^)