No, the shaking is not coming from Elvis or Jerry Lee Lewis this time. God is shaking the world right now to wake up His church. It’s time to pray and shine the light of Jesus Christ! Satan knows his time is short and there is an escalation in the war that is being fought in the Spiritual realm. Just like when Jesus prayed in the garden before the dreadful hour of His death and He asked his disciples to pray with Him, Jesus is asking his disciples once again to pray, pray because the dreadful hour of death is coming over the world … the great tribulation. Don’t fall asleep like Peter, James and John or be unprepared like the five foolish virgins from the parable (Matthew 25:1-13) but be ready with oil in your lamp, full of the Holy Spirit, being fervent to pray without ceasing.
These are not normal times, the age of grace that began the church age on the day of Pentecost is almost complete. God is soon going to rapture his bride (the church) to heaven and take His Holy Spirit from the earth. The restraining influence against evil, God’s church which is abiding in the Holy Spirit, will soon be removed from the earth and Satan knows it. Christians have enjoyed the joy of God’s Spirit as Jesus builds His church and grants victory over sin and although the victory in Jesus has not changed, but the resistance to the victory in Jesus has changed. We know the gates of Hades will not prevail against God’s church but Satan is now banging on those gates, trying to open them for his last hooray. The Kingdom of Earth is at hand and those who are born again in Jesus Christ are not only seeing the increased effects of sin in the world but they also sense the increase Spiritual darkness and the resistance people and rebellion to the truth, the way and the life of Jesus Christ.
And this increased Spiritual conflict is causing a division among Christians in either a “fight” or “flight” response. Thought it is true that we are fighting a Spiritual warfare against evil, we do it by “flight”, by flying into the arms of God and seeking His power to fight the good of faith for His glory. Faithful Christians are grieved by the approaching storm of lawlessness and they are praying for God’s Kingdom to Come and His will to be done. I am clinging to God and trying to find the joy of my salvation but the increased Spiritual conflict around me is causing me pain and suffering … which is just a small dose of what our persecuted brothers and sisters face in other countries every day.
The “fight” response is being displayed by unfaithful Christians who sense the coming storm but they are fighting the Holy Spirit as they are choosing to love the world and their sin over the love of Christ. These “Christians” are experiencing a serious conflict in their heart as they grieve and resist the Holy Spirit. They want the good life of the world and avoid at all possible suffering that comes from standing up against the sin of the world in Jesus name. It is sad enough that the world is lost in sin but it is even sadder that Christians are so caught up in grabbing and enjoying the good life that they are unable to provide the truth and love of Christ that the world so desperately needs. The statistics reveal that about 40% of Americans “say” they attend a church weekly but only about 20% show up. Church attendance is down and many Christians are leaving a mid-size (200 member) churches in order to attend a “mega” church where there are more “programs” to enjoy.
These are the days when seekers come to Church to seek “programs” to entertain them and make them feel good about themselves. Jesus told people to deny themselves and take up their cross of responsibility following His example of serving others (Matthew 16:24) but “The Church of what’s Happening Now” tells people to indulge in their self love and pursue their selfish desires because that’s what God wants for them. Many Churches not longer teach the gospel of repentance from sin but they preach a “I’m OK, me first, gospel of acceptance of sin” that is no different from the world. It is no wonder that church is losing ground in America and the divorce rate among Christians is almost the same level as that of non-Christians.
Some Christians, who are frustrated that the church is not having the impact that is should in today’s culture want to do something to “force a revival”. They want to change the pastor, change the message, change the laws of this country or change the color of the carpet but a house divided against itself can not stand. This is what Jesus told the Scribes when they accused Christ of being possessed by Satan (Mark 3:20-27) but Jesus said “how can I be a part of Satan’s house stand when I cast out the demons of Satan“. And God’s church can’t stand if Christians are motivated to change something out of anger and frustration when sound doctrine is being preached from their pulpit and Christian love is present among it’s people. Christians are called to fly to God in prayer for our marching orders. You can be sure that God is aware of what is going on and it is through prayer that He comforts and leads His children to do His will in these difficult times.
Personally, I think the true church may be driven underground before Christ comes and raptures true believers to Heaven. There is a strong spirit of delusion, ecumenicism and compromise in the world, calling the world to “unite” in brotherly love, finding peace and understanding in our diversity, respecting our differences above the truth of God and above the peace and understanding that only comes through salvation in Jesus Christ. For instance the Pope of the Catholic Church is calling all religions (including Islam) to come together in brotherly love peace in order to form a one world religion “Chrislam” that preaches a gospel of tolerance of sin instead of a gospel of repentance from sin … so much apostasy, so little discernment.
And many mega churches and denominations have already compromised with the gospel of Jesus Christ for the sake of political correctness, so they don’t offend the “chafe and tares” in the church and loose their money. The Holy Spirit is “shaking up” the world and the church to see if their is any true faith. And I do pray for a “revival” but frankly I don’t think we are going to see a large scale increase and interest for God’s will to be done like previous works of the Holy Spirit. Instead, I think in the coming days true believers are going to strengthen the boldness of their faith and share their love of Christ on a person to person basis, while carnal Christians shrink back, hide and compromise with the world.
Overall, the polarization between Christians and the world is continuing to increase like the hoof beats of the end times echoing in the approaching tribulation upon the world. I pray that many people will be saved but in this culture of prosperity who is really interested in the gospel of “die2live”? … die to self in order to live for Christ … not many. And worse yet, who is willing to preach it, certainly not the look good, feel good, lukewarm church of today. When Jesus preached and then later told the crowd the cost of the discipleship, His number of followers always dropped. It’s no different today, true discipleship in Christ is not a popular topic or undertaking.
I want to add here that this “shaking” period is NOT part of the seven year Tribulation period. I think with good reason that the church will not be here for the seven year tribulation period because it is the time of Jacob’s trouble to finish the discipline of the Jews. Also I do not think the Antichrist can function effectively with deception, signs and wonders while the restraining influence of the Holy Spirit, found in true church, is still on the earth. Therefore, I think the Lord is “Shaking” things up to see where people stand in relation to Him. He is shaking up unbelievers to compel them to repent and He is shaking up believers, His children, so they will get up off their ass and compete the work of the great commission (Matthew 28:16-20).
The Lord is looking under every rock and cranny in search of the evidence of faith in Him. This shaking is causing a divide between the true church and the apostate church, like the shaking of an earthquake divides the land on the fault line. This shaking period is more of a Spiritual dividing like the work of the Sword of the Lord, which separates the bone from the marrow and the wheat from the chafe. And we will hear “rumors” and speculation of God’s wrath which is to come but I do not think God’s church will see the manifestation of God’s wrath which is being reserved for the tribulation period and includes global war, famine, plagues, natural disasters, nuclear disaster, miraculous disasters or even financial bankruptcy. I think the world will basically remain in a climate of stagnant economic prosperity with increased Spiritual polarization, like during the days of Noah, until Christ comes for His bride, like a thief in the night.
So be ready and waiting for Christ imminent return with your lamps lite with the abiding oil of the Holy Spirit within you, a vibrant light and witness for the Lord Jesus Christ!
Come Maranatha, Come!
+8^) Rogersing
Listen to Amir Tsarfati explain the One World Religion of the Antichrist that is forming and coming before the One World Order that will rule the world:
Philippians 4:6 “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”
The cure for peace to weather the storm is to pray the Lord’s prayer. And the Lord’s prayer is really our prayer to the Lord. Don’t pray like a mindless chant but contemplating and sincerely engaging your will in the request. (Matthew 6:9-13)
Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name – Recognize God’s perfect Holiness and His authority over your life and the world.
Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be Done – Recognize God’s priority and will over your agenda. There is a real Godly Kingdom Coming and we should be anticipating it and living like we are it’s citizens.
Give us this day our daily bread – Ask for God’s provision for your daily needs. We are dependent on God for everything and always will be therefore live with an attitude of gratitude.
Forgive us our sins as we forgive one other – Acquire a humble attitude of gratitude, harbor no grudges and take no personal revenge.
Lead us not into Temptation but deliver us from evil – Ask the Lord, do whatever is necessary to keep you pure and holy, ready when He shows up.