Becoming a P31W – Are you vigilant?
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As a potential Proverbs 31 wives, we keep an eye on what goes on in our households.  We make sure that things that can cause us harm are kept out of the home.  She monitors her children’s leisure time, who they make friends with and what sort of things they are allowed to watch and hear. TV and music choices are areas that can easily cause problems in households with the plethora of very bad things that cane be seen and heard that do great harm.  As a wife and mother it is our duties to keep our children busy with Godly, wise, productive endeavors to avoid them being swayed by the worldly, unproductive and potentially damaging influences that are readily available today through the different electronic gadgets available.

Drugs are also a great problem today and many children are being drawn into this diabolical world right under their parents noses.  As a vigilant Proverbs 31 wife, we must keep our eyes and ears open. Know your children’s friends, where they are and what they are doing at least until they come of age.  Notice changes in their behaviors, habits and lifestyles.  Our children will thank us later one when they grow up if they are kept from taking paths of destruction.  It is never too late to start making sure as a Proverbs 31 wife you keep an extra vigilant eye on your children.



Woman's advise from a Godly wife

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