Luke 10:18 And He said to them, “I was watching Satan fall from heaven like lightning.”
The war for truth began when Satan sinned in heaven and left his position as the “cherub who covered God” (Ezekiel 28:14) to become the god of this world, Lucifer, the father of lies (John 8:44). And ever since Satan’s fall, he has been trying to rewrite history and remove the truth about the glory of God our Creator, for a corrupted truth about the glory of what is created, without acknowledging God. This war has been wagged throughout the age of man, for over 6,000 years, from the garden of Eden, to the garden of Gethsemane, to the garden in your own back yard. And the weeds that grow in your garden are not just there to remind you that you need to work and sweat to remove them but the weeds come up as a reminder that the “sin of man” caused all of God’s creation to undergo decay and corruption. The weeds come up to remind man that this world is under the influence of the curse sin and that man is under the influence of sin (Genesis 3:17-19), which leads to physical death and eternal Spiritual death and separation from His Creator, God… unless man believes in the forgiveness of sin offered by Jesus Christ (John 8:24).
But, Satan lies to man about his sin nature and his death penalty that is due because of sin. Satan tells man, “you are OK, just keep pulling up the weeds”. Satan says, ignore the decay and death around you, keep working, you can make this world a great place to live by your own effort. Just keep busy and you can overcome the problems in the world by your own effort. Unite with other men and you can live in peace by laws of human reasoning and you can overcome death by the power of positive thinking. You definitely don’t need God … come on Little Engine “I think I can” … come on Little Red Hen “you can do it all”.
This is the broken record of Satan that he has been playing ever since Adam and Eve feel for his first lie concerning what God said about eating the fruit on the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The lie that “man can live a life unaccountable to God” has been playing like music in the background for thousands of years but now this message is going “viral” and being played loudly everywhere in the world because the modern day means of communications allows this lie to spread like “wild fire”. The pernicious lie that man is inherently “good” is infecting the world like a cancer that is going untreated.
On the other hand, the “truth” that man is dying in sin and he needs the forgiveness of sin in Christ is being silenced because most mainline denominational churches are no longer preaching the gospel truth. The “feel good”, Laodicean church has compromised with the world and the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ is being “chocked out” by the weeds of the world. The restraining influence of the Church Age is weakening and therefore Jesus will soon “rapture” His church to Heaven and Satan will then be revealed on earth as the Antichrist who will rule over the earth.
John proclaimed that the Kingdom of Heaven was “at hand” as Jesus came to earth and preached about the Kingdom of Heaven, which is entered by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. But today the “Kingdom of Earth” is at hand, as the Antichrist is preparing to enter on to the world stage and preach about the New World Order of peace among men. And when the Antichrist does arrive, all those who enter into his Kingdom on Earth will take the mark of the Beast on their hand or on their head.
Revelation 13:15-17 “15And it was given to him to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast would even speak and cause as many as do not worship the image of the beast to be killed. 16And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, 17and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name”
The voice of John the Baptist in the wilderness that once proclaimed “make straight the way of the Lord, the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand” is now replaced by the voice of mainstream media and social networks proclaiming “do whatever you want, the Kingdom of Earth is at hand”. And all this “hope and change” is all happening so fast right before our eyes, like a runaway train picking up speed, we are abandoning the truth of God at every turn in order to obtain peace and unity. And here’s what Jesus had to say about pursuing peace at the cost of truth Luke 12:51 “Do you suppose that I came to grant peace on earth? I tell you, no, but rather division;“. Truth divides people between those who love Jesus (who is the truth) and those who hate Jesus or just don’t know they hate Him because they are too busy loving themselves and all their stuff. Real peace must “first” be made with the Prince of Peace, Jesus, based on the One who is the “truth”, before any peace and unity among men is possible.
The main sign that the church age is coming to an end is that there is increased polarization over issues of morality, as the “suppressors” of truth increase their lies and persecute the promoters of truth and the restrainers of lies (those who are standing on the unchanging truth of God’s word). And though there is only “One” truth (- the person of Jesus Christ – John 14:6), God in His infinite love and mercy does not force the acceptance of His truth upon anyone. God sent His Son to earth to proclaim the truth of man’s sin (self indulgent nature) and the forgiveness of sin and new life that is found in Him. Jesus died on the cross, in our place for our sin and He proved He is the way, the truth and the life by rising from the grave. This is the gospel message, the good news!
Yet many are not convinced that the love of Jesus can save them from their sin and they are in fact lost in the mad pursuit of their sin (self indulgent nature), actually acting as puppets of Satan, doing his will and spreading Satan’s false gospel of peace without God. The intellectual fools of today proclaim the wisdom of human reasoning over the revealed wisdom and reasoning of God. But God laughs in heaven over the futility of man to proclaim man’s way above God’s way and man’s independence from God. The power of man compared to the power of God is like comparing a picture of a gun with a real gun. Have you ever drawn a picture of a soldier on a sheet of paper and then worried that the picture was going to attack you or that the picture knew more about life than you? Well, that is what God thinks of man’s wisdom, it is foolish and futile.
God created man and He alone know what is best for man. Therefore pursuing peace among men is an act of vanity and futility, if you have not first pursued peace with God. What is the point of peace and prosperity on earth if you are going to die in a few short years and be tormented in the lake of fire for eternity? More importantly, if you are honest with yourself, what good is it to have everything you want and still be miserable? Such is the nature of sin, we simply cannot be satisfied by pursuing the desires of our heart because our heart is Spiritually separated from God. We are born Spiritually disconnected from God, unable to experience God’s love or know His will for our life and have the satisfaction that comes from His saving grace. The words that Jesus spoke to Nicodemus, “you must be born again”, are the words He speaks to every person. You must be born Spiritually to establish a connection to God that was lost when Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the garden of Eden. You must repent of your way and believer that Jesus is “the way”. Jesus is the only One who can give you eternal life and live in you and teach you God’s way.
2 Peter 3:9 “The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.“
I pray for those who are held captive by the delusion of their intellect (sin – self indulgent nature) and especially for those who are leaders of delusional institutions such as the Catholic Church, the Muslim madness, the Freemason fraternity, the Illuminati idiots or any one who teaches anything other than salvation is by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ. Leaders who proclaim a gospel of tolerance and human reason will suffer even greater punishment in the lake of fire because not only do they error in their judgment concerning the truth but they convince others to follow them along the path of destruction. It is only by grace through faith in Jesus Christ can someone be born again and escape the coming night of the Antichrist’s rule in the Kingdom of earth.
– Rogersings